Stormwind Portal Room

It’s so amazing watching all the portals and how the different races use different magics to mantain it!

Ex. Kul Tirans using their Tidesages whereas Pandaren use their mist-like magic.


Do humans have a portal powered by their potential?


I’ve noticed Nar’thalas ghosts maintaining the Stormwind Azsuna portal, while Nightborne mages maintain the Orgrimmar Azsuna portal. It’s a longshot, but this might be hinting that Farondis will cast his lot in with the Alliance. If it means he gets revenge on Azshara, I’d be down for this.


The racial choices for the mages keeping them open are a nice touch. The animations for the Night Elf ghosts for Azsuna looked neat and different (at least from the screenshot).

Though is it bad when I started complaining immediately when I saw the Silver Covenant High Elves get used again? If Blizzard wants the complaints to stop, please stop making them relevant, even in the smallest of ways.


I’m on the fence about this. While I don’t have any real problem with the High Elves or the Silver Covenant, I think a lot of problems could be solved if every single Quel’dorei became Ren’dorei somehow. This would both solve the issue of Ren’dorei population, and silence people asking for High Elves as an Allied Race.


This was actually my want for a very long time when Void Elves were announced. Unfortunately, it looks like that ship has sailed for the time being.

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One… Ren’dorei population isn’t an issue.
Two… High Elf fanatics won’t shut up until they get their blue-eyed Alliance Caucasian blonde longears. If Blizzard were to effectively delete the High Elves as a race by making this change, said fanatics would go ballistic.


Ya I don’t know why they keep teaseing high elves. Honestly they had a great arc in wc3 and how they became blood elves.

Why they been bringing them up and retconing I don’t understand.


It’s certainly possible and I am not at all opposed to seeing Farondis pop up. I love him.

But to be honest, I think the reason it’s an Azsuna portal is so there’s not two Dalaran portals so you don’t click the wrong one by mistake.


I really like the new portal room. I’ll miss the old one a little, but I think this new one is a massive improvement. My one, single, tiny complaint is that I wish they didn’t have Kirin Tor banners hanging inside. This is the one time where the Stormwind banner is entirely appropriate, and others really aren’t. IMO, at least.

But that’s a small thing. On the whole I’m very excited about the new portal hub.

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High Elves are Blizzard’s ultimate panic button. They’re worth a million six month subscription boats. If things are ever truly, monumentally on the brink for the company, they’ll drop them.

So, I dunno? Tomorrow? Bungie’s gone, lmao.


Why is there no Ironforge portal?


Deeprun Tram. And no Thunder Bluff portal in Org since they have a zeppelin (even though it takes ages).


I am puzzled by the Aszuna portal.
Why is Fardonis making us a portal? Why not the Moonguard?
Why not Dalaran but call the portal “Broken Shore”.

Its the little things like this that makes me confused. Why is Fardonis making portals for the Alliance?

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I’d honestly prefer the Wyrmrest Portal and the Legion Dalaran Portal.

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Because he wasn’t interviewed by Tyrande.


Or Farondis, like a normal person, isn’t easilly offended like others such as Thalyssra.


Remember it was Tyrande who pretty much said. “No, we don’t want you.”


Yet it was Thalyssra that went crying to Liadrin gossiping like a school girl.


I mean, after having an invasion full of demons that slaughtered plenty of your loved ones, ravaged the land, that had SUCH an impact that it made NElves ally themselves with races they considered inferior…

After needing allies desperately…

That her own KIN would go and hide in their bubble with their magic instead of helping the rest that were fighting tooth and nail for survival…

I would be pretty pissed too.