Stormwind is unplayable

Does that mean we can finally commit anarchy? Anyone with me for anarchy in Stormwind?

No no no.

I found a great person to take over! This Lady Prestor seems like a great leader!


ANARCHY ANARCHY! Come on, everyone! ANARCHY!

Honestly, they can kill Turalyon as many times as they like. But when they put Anduin back, its game on.

You mean the former leader of the Grand Alliance during the closing days of the Second War?

Turalyon is literally THE most qualified to lead the Alliance because he’s done it before. And totally routed the Horde, I might add. :stuck_out_tongue:


I know this, I was making a French revolution joke since WoW is fantasy, fantasy also has a strange love for monarchies.

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I know that’s why it was an uncool French Revolution joke.

You see, Louis XVI was, in the words of his father’s mistress, a “Fat, ill-bred boy”

Turalyon is a Fit, well bred MAN!




… I’m a Turalyon fan. OOCly at least. :stuck_out_tongue:

ICly Sara thinks he sucks and bullies Forsaken and he should go die.


He’s a much harder foe to kill than Anduin lol

Only because he spawns in at 60. I killed him with my guild last night and he hits decently enough. Alleria is a free 5 honor however.

ED is dead, many of their RPPVP players came to WrA when Blizz removed the PVP realm designation and many of the Alliance guilds there switched to Horde. SW is a ghost town unfortunately.

Watching this guys vid, it amazes me that in 2020, WoW servers can’t handle one raid attacking a city. What is with all of the lag and instability? Years ago when WoW had significantly higher sub numbers, on VeCo and ED we would attack cities regularly with 2-3 full 40man raids and the opposing faction would form counter raids and we’d sometimes fight for an hour or longer. Now one 40man drops into Stormwind and you can hear the server supports buckling under the strain, gears grinding, nuts and bolts breaking. What happened to Blizz’s servers!?

im still waiting for new grindr content you are going to lose a subscriber unless you update your grindr ok thank you

This is an butt-pull from me but I feel like there’s a lot more going on these days than way back when. Phasing is new, scaling is new, different instances one room apart is new, when I went to defend Turalyon I had to switch to a different character because the one I was on had a completely different version of Stormwind Keep that I ran into, watching everyone I was charging towards phase out of existence, new NPCs phase in, etc, etc. Hell as I type this I’m hanging out somewhere inconsequential and I just watched someone disappear while RP walking forward because the particular spot of the city they’re in is on a different plane of quest reality than mine - it’s kind of wild.

Could they do better? Maybe, but I do want to give them some slack that they’ve definitely got a lot more layers going on now than before because I remember the same style of raids and retribution where the only time it would lag would be if everyone was burning AoEs at once.

imagine thinking pvp is fun in BFA on illidan

has my home server sunk so low

edit: the wyrmrest pvp scene is subtle, like an undercurrent in an ocean. Some people like to mix RP and PVP, and there is more than one glad that retired to an RP server for fun.

That being said this server is centrically an RP hub and I don’t understand ‘le trole’ attraction