Stormsong Valley’s Newest Hive is the Bee’s Knees

Who else is gonna listen to …

while riding the Bee mount? I know I am!


Obtain, yes. My question stems from is it usable on both sides like Torcali and Kua’fon.

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They should make new mount equipment to play theme songs.


I think there are dailies involved so this weekend business might always be impossible.

So, like a saddle mounted record player. If not theme songs, then the ones we collected in WoD.

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That, or they can do what FFXIV does, and each mount plays a song specific to the mount.

I remember the moment I first mounted up on my Magitek Armor mount and Terra’s theme started playing. Brought a tear to me eye.

Then again, there’s hundreds, if not thousands of mounts in the game, so that might be a hard thing to do. So yeah, a “record player” mount equipment would be nice to have.

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New mount not hitting the in store for purchase and is Alliance only? I guess my 14.95 isn’t worth as much… How do you unsub? Asking for a friend.

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Lok’tar O suck it! Have a horse we have plenty.

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Is there an requirement before starting this unique quest (chain?)? Like do we have to be lv120?

To bee or not to bee?

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I can see how this would bee a great thing, but the hive would really like to know if this mount can be ridden by horde alts. Really, we’re all abuzz on the issue.

Now that you point it out it’s kind of creepy.
The card BEEEES!!! was recently added in Hearthstone too.

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Probably the yellow variant of the Laughing Skull Clan Wasp mount.

Because y’know there was massive fan demand for an Alliance Bee mount… :woman_shrugging:

I figured they’d give the Alliance a ride-able Care Bear considering their general attitude towards Alliance in the past 10 years.


I thought the devs hated everything about the Alliance.

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They do, but they have to do stuff like this every so often so they can claim to be fair. Horde have had Kuafon for the entire expansion, and it got upgraded…

Dread, don’t bee ridiculous.

I made, leveled and geared an alli toon to be ready for this. I’ve done all the prereqs as well.


Says the mount has to be purchased, what is the cost?