Stormsong Valley’s Newest Hive is the Bee’s Knees

Oh beehave! :honeybee: It feels good to be wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

No one is denying the Alliance got shafted on mount looks this expansion. Im sick of horses and gryphons and would be happy to never see them again. But that has nothing to do on why Horde player should be denied a unique mount for Blizzard’s obsession with horses.


Well first the problem was “the horde have more mounts” which is something you totally make up and now is about reskinned horses? You’re too biased to discuss this in a competent way.


What was started as a light-hearted thread hyping the new mount has devolved into a slugfest over who has better mounts. Sorry guys.

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Alliance could lose two mounts (kuafon and torcalli) if blizzard decide this mounts should be faction only that would be a bad thing.

they utterly failed to write the alliance side of the war campaign, like, at all, and people are worried about a mount. i guess it balances out, horde gets amazing story quests and got to rampage through a genocide while alliance got emo-pale warrior queen wannabe, but we got a bee mount so i guess we should just shut up


“Oh boy! Filler content!” said no one ever.

I kid, I kid. I wish the Alliance good fortune in earning their buzzy new buddy.

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claps Yeah, hey guys just real quick… I wanna congratulate you on the bee mount. Ya’ll absolutely deserve it after all of the little wooden horses you received. Just wanted to say I am happy for you. Cheers.


Thanks, it feels like a welcome change after the horses

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Idk why anyone cares anymore to be honest. You can’t fart anymore without being given another mount/pet for your effort. They are just noise at this point.

You can have one of our horses… or gryphons…

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Well they have been hyping up the Bee mount since they announced BfA so this is a long stew coming to a boil.

Mounts are just over saturated cosmetic re-skins. Bee. Dragon. Boat. An unholy hybrid of the three? Doesn’t matter. It’s all noise.


We are all but pixels swimming in a vast sea of code. Nothing is real here anyway so might as well have something pretty to look at.


Luckily we won’t be cramming our giant bees into one-block hives that are much too small for them.

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The horde does have more obtainable mounts though…just because they can be used on alliance after you obtain them doesn’t negate the fact they are only there for Horde to get, so you have to have a horde toon


And I don’t mind earning this on my Alliance toon, but if my Hordies can’t use it then…nah

Pretty sure the content notes state that only Alliance can obtain this mount.

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I am amazed Alliance didn’t get a horsefly :horse: instead of a bee.


Because bees are cool!

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