!!! Are you participating in classic? I will be playing a pretty decently sized group on Incendius Alliance! You’re more than welcome to join, I’ll be on a paladin named Rius. My Battle tag is AuntJemima#11632
Man those are some names I haven’t heard in a long time.
I was Biramar the NE Priest for Legions of Azeroth. I also remember you also Dom lol
why hello everyone!
Just sayin hi Lavey, long time no see!
Just sayin hi again Itzie! Long time no see!
I remember you, you had a sexy voice. I remember the story behind your name, you told us was the name of the last boss of maple story…
Hey Benek,
Good to see you and hear your going to be playing some classic. Hope to see you soon.
Angrytaco, Human Paladin
Was in a couple guilds, mainly Natural Affinity and later in WotLK Mutiny.
Hey Biramar, 120 Troll, you defected to the stinky side where they have walking corpses and cow patties all over the streets. How do you stand it? There is a home for you on the alliance side.
For the horde! Way better then the stinky alliance!
Honestly I think I have 1 or 2 leveling boosts I never used before from ordering the xpacs (I’m weird I guess). I could always use those on the alliance side lol
You can find me at Mishap#1885 we have a group on the Blowme server spelled Blauxmeux or something like that. Also on Hydraxis.
Originally Monet, was in Shadow Sanctuary/tcf/Righteous Might. Alysen#1164 (discord)
- I played as “Hemann” a Human Warrior
- Played in the guilds, “Circle of Silence” and “Area 52”.
- Hoping to reconnect with any of the horde that i played hundreds of battlegrounds against. Good times.
Used to play a hunter named Boogeeman, guild name was F A L L E N or something like that…
Has anyone from Impervious come back?
Dwarf huntard Nickcraig
looking for Tang, Deathonabun, Koshy or that cheeky bastard Ultimatte!
Can’t for the life of me remember our guild name, but I need someone to sing “My Ashkandi” to me again. Miss y’all!
Sanctus was the guild name!
Hey I’m trying to find people from a really old Alliance guild. My name is/was Caven. Especially my old friends from Drexel University
Guild started out as Horizons and I think we changed to Vanguard of the Alliance and then to Eclypse. After that we separated and went to different places.
Vanguard of the Alliance Guild List - 3150 on warcraftrealms
Eclypse Guild List: 664260 on warcraftrealms
I had a nightelf priest named ‘Caven’, a gnome warlock named ‘memyselfandi’, and a dranei shaman named ‘cavens’.
I’m looking fro anyone from Horizons, Vanguard of the Alliance, Eclypse, Leet Crew, and Show Me Your Crits.
Particularly Pochibella, Balranar, Drexil, Astrog, Bluelegend, Bushamati, Dunkar, Aresx, Babum, Brewster, Brynn, Crillick, Dendron, Windstalker, and anyone else who remembers Caven.
Tourn, paladin from Forgotten Souls, looking for anyone who wants to reconnect!