Stormreaver Wrath baby here. I played a warrior named Veztek when I was roommates with Actellim the priest in and raided with him and our good bud Cherrypoppins the DK tank in that guild for a bit.
The person I wonder about the most is my old arena healer Holyfield, I don’t have my old account so I lost him on Bnet and don’t even know if he plays anymore.
My best memories of this game are from my days on Stormreaver. The Impervious, Duality, Riggins rumors and drama were always entertaining. The announcement that Hobbs was on and the clan that would find and stalk him was very faceroll. Then there was the Cottonswab “./BOW” that he seemed to be doing no matter where you were.
Legions of Azeroth
I don’t know why, I said I will never do classic. I said I already did that, so how it happen, still confused … I was up until 2 am last night leveling warrior on Herod.
Did DM with Scual (he Tank), PuG Redridge Elite quests last night, great group, had fun, if I know I would be drinking less and hitting those buttons more …
Currently from old LoA we have Scual, Benek playing casually!
Here is 2 Youtube Memories:
June 26 2006 - Nefarian :
Spout dodge:
There is no guild, yet. There is no addiction to game, yet. We have 2 potential experienced tanks and a crazy warlock that pull aggro. We just need pally(s), druid(s),and priest(s) do start a guild ? Don’t need any Hunter(s), they all want my weapons!
Hope everyone is well, and memories will live forever for a raiding guild age 10-65, We did pulled it off for a while(Thanks Orm/Gineva).
ps: Yes English still bad, and tanking sucks.
Orastes, gnome warrior from The Forgotten Order and TFO
Looking to reconnect with some old TFO buddies, feel free to get in touch! orastesjj#1248
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Maymun Best tank ever. Good to see you are doing well. Great video’s well one is great the other just gives me nightmares.
What’s up Blackstar! I was a nelf rogue, cattywompus, i raided mc ony and bwl with you guys. I was pretty awful with my crap computer and dial up! I remember sky and his wife naz, knightfire, vellocet and a few others! Im sure alot of you guys remember the gnome mage Glinkle, he said hey to everyone! Best of luck! Its nice seeing all the guild names from back then! I was 14 and i sucked, i just remember seeing people in foo and impervious etc decked the hell out in full tier 2/2.5/3. Greetings dudes!
Looking for anyone old Stormreaver friends.
Kazuuk, Dwarf Paladin
I was primarily in Æon for most of vanilla with a brief stint in LoA. I pvp’d alot with Kappy’s crew (Team Ice Cream Sandwhich ftw!). We had a year long rivalary with some of the horde pvp grind teams like Team Extreme. Came back for Wrath and was Kazuuk, Dwarf Death Knight in No Manny No.
I will be playing super casually as like most of you, life takes a lot more time these days lol.
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Hey Maymun good to see ya!
Hunter is my favorite DPS class and all loot is hunter loot! Watching the vids, is it good when a tree goes flying through the air?
Skidmarc, HolyBrewer etc, etc (Altaholic)
Tomthumb here from FS. We are currently on Skeram PVP server. A few of us from FS are there from vanilla days.
Hey Tourn! Tomthumb from FS. We are on Skeram server.
Volkov/Diryus here. Playing horde side on Thunderfury for Classic.
Cath! Your old crew from Imperium Noctis/Requiem Noctis/Mad Company are running on Westfall. Hit us up if you pop into classic.
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I was in Impervious. Kallyn (60 human war) I think is how I had it spelled. I xferred over to Impervious and was there for first KT kill etc. I’m on Incendius.
Message Ramix on Incendius.
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Hey! Sorry I havent seen this till now, works been crazy. We are horde on Kromcrush for now
Wurth - Warlock from Bloodthirst
Also played with
Werth - Mage
Wourth - Druid
Worth - Warrior
Broderick, Danagar, Exo, Xenos, Jider
Check out this History of Stormeaver blog post:
A lot - we have a Stormreaver reunion guild on Incendius alliance. Old impervious members such as Crizack, Aure, Jyscal, Tuk, Crushedvelvet, Igoaf, Tenderman to name a few.
Now that transfers are open, if anyone from old SR is interested in banding with us, feel free to hit me up in game or on our discord. You can find the SR reunion Discord here:
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Lindre! It’s Draiko night elf rogue, im on classic again. Hmu
Hey everyone I played a Night Elf rogue named Draiko, i forgot the name of the guild I was in. Quit in early Wotlk.
PELL/MONKEYMAN IF YOU’RE OUT THERE MESSAGE ME im on classic server NETHERWIND and my rogue is horde, named “Kazushi” !!!
Ascender here. Warlock that ran with Doxa, Troph, Waxed in Blackstar. If any of our main pvp group is still rolling around, hit me up. Scorcher (H) Faerlina. Would be willing to move to PVP with some of the old crew.
Sky, if you’re still around hit me up. Always ready to defend LM.
Hey guys…kinda late to the party here. I had a few different characters through the years. I recognize a few names here and there!
Soladine- NE Warrior (Vanilla)
Soladina - Human Rogue (BC)
Bubblesarenp - Human Priest (around WotLK)