Stormreaver Alliance Reconnections

I was in midnite tokers!!! What was GMs name…Giteri human pally

I was in Midnite Tokers cuz my older brother (Sundancekid) human mage, and a few RL friends too (Roniran,Toorin,Slotter, and Beehindya) I didn’t raid in vanilla cuz I was like 9 but hell yea I the good old days

Discipra didn’t srart playing until TBC, but I also remember her hooking it up the the bags, was actually on an old alt today and all my bags wer “made by Discipra”

If you are an old-school/old-fart Stormreaver player that wants to play Alliance and raid/dungeon/PVP, but have an IRL professional/personal life outside of WOW, shoot me a message.

Catalyst is a two-night raiding guild that currently clears Heroic/pushes Mythic Eternal Palace on live(Sargeras.) Most members have families/work yet are able to maintain competitive toons. We are rolling Alliance on Herod and currently raid Tuesday/Thursday 10:00pm-1:00am EST.

FUN FACT:The a$$ hole to non-a$$ hole ratio, is probably the smallest in all of WOW. I know this due to the a$$-holery of certain Vanilla guilds I was in.

We currently have around 70 members planning on leveling/raiding Classic, and a lot from Stormreaver.


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Sup Gorann! Yeah with a couple buddies gonna goof with it for a bit. Im not so Hardcore for Molten Core these days… :wink: But ill play oldskool warlock for a bit. Lookin at Blauxmeaux atm for server unless everything explodes… but thats part of the classic wow exp as well.

(DeathsRoar4Eva!) :stuck_out_tongue:

I have been persuaded to give Classic a try but, not trying to figure out what everyone is doing atm. Everyone seems to be going separate ways, too bad to that really. I will get a hold of you once all this gets going or you can find me on Hydraxis.

Bah keeps changing my character profile. Dyrus is my main now and no I don’t play League of Legend, that is a different Dyrus. He must be pretty good though I am constantly asked if I am him.

Greenhilt, I was trying to remember the name but all I could come up with was Green… Warrior whom Maymun would yell “GREEN EXECUTE EXECUTE” I might pop over to your Discord channel to say hello.


I’ll jump in on that one then as well. If you get word of Foo going to a different one let me know. Be fun to get back with some good pvp peeps again.

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skrathnor human priest hmu if u know me

Hey Dyrus,
I remember many of those names and your characters well. You recruited this lowly newbie Druid into LOA. Took me from world pvp/leveling into raiding (using mostly green some blue gear/didn’t even have a full set of healing gear). That was a long time ago. Hope you and everyone else is doing well. I haven’t been active for some time. Used to do almost all heals (had all healing classes) though did start making tank and DPS toons later.
Bnet: Brewman#11303

Some of my Characters
Skidmarc: Druid heals
Brewman/Brewmen: Hunter
HolyBrewer: Priest
Had pretty much every class (Altohollic) and on many servers, maxed out my toons.

Hope to see you all again. Though I don’t have as much time to play as I used to and I’m now East Coast, swapped from West Coast recently.

Hey Skidmark good to see you are doing well. I absolutely remember your druid. I have been convinced to check Classic out but, I will still mostly be in modern WoW on Hyrdaxis. Classic I am likely to go to Blauxmeaux and see what can be accomplished there.

I actually recognize your name Astepski. I think we met before? But, I am glad to hear that you remember Discipra. I hope she will come back!

I’ll probably make a few characters on a couple servers, see who has people playing when I can play. Look forward to leveling or getting in some raids with you again sometime.


[deleted post]

Nice to see you doing well Itzie! I am still kicking, but not playing much if at all anymore. Still remember you, Gineva, Grim, Arkanik, Egobeast, Wulven, Levay, Defarian, Snappy, Skidmarc, and others. Orm and Star have been about. It is still a memorable time raiding and running ZG/AQ 20 groups back in the day.

Still forever an Alt hating, agro pulling, Warlock Main. Last I really played seriously was Legion.

Benek: Warlock Tank (now on Stormrage)
Bnet: BenekC#1327

I’ll be poking my head into classic for a bit. If any of you guys are still around, please give me a shout!

The Enes are here! Coldsong, is you ready?

Stratelite - Human Mage. (SGO)
I remember dueling Jigen/Wigwam for hours.
Freakin WRAITH BLADE will be mine this time. :slight_smile:

Ah yeah, the Leet Crew days!


My main from day 1 was Bellsange, a Night Elf Rogue. (In fact, I still play her sometimes.)

I was in… Let’s see… Giant Red Robots, Force of Will, Angelic Fury, Alliance of Stormreaver…

My brother and I are looking at Thalnos for WOW Classic.

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