Stormreaver Alliance Reconnections

Are you set on alliance? A few of my friends are trying to go horde for a change since we’ve only ever played alliance before. What’s your btag/discord username?

Helyos, Dwarf / Draenei Shaman.
Ran with a guild called Suicidal Tendencies in BC, WotLK and Cata.

The discord I have running for classic has 200 people in it. Mix of Impervious, HarroW, GC, Cabal, Original Gangsters, TFO and others.

Hit me up if anyone needs an invite - Xyshina#2907

Hi! Remius/Rius here. Was a Draenei Paladin on Stormreaver for the guild EAT EAT EAT. I don’t remember if we were around too heavily for Classic but I know we raided the **** out of BC and some of WotLK? That was the only raiding guild that I actually had fun progressing with, hoping to reconnect with you guys to take on this game too :slight_smile:

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Tylenole wassup man!! So good to see you again :slight_smile: We definitely have to connect on Discord or something. Please add my Battletag: razorski#1779

and thanks Kringe for your help :slight_smile: This is Oopa btw, I accidentally started that this message on the wrong toon lol.

Apolla, Human Paladin, Mad Company and Knights of the Win

Melody and Akurall where you be at?

Littlewing, Gnome Mage :slight_smile:
Was in Evolution for a long time and a few other guilds I can’t remember.

Also mained Alaris Druid, Aliya Warrior, Camlain Paladin.

Do you know what server yet? I’m looking to join an alliance guild on a pvp server.

Jetquick/Zakum here, I was in the guild at the end of classic and most of BC

Laryn (Gnome Warlock) I was in Eat Eat Eat in BC and WoLK as well. I left the sever when free moves were offered in WoLK. :stuck_out_tongue: great times

Tagard, Human Paladin played with the fine folks of Foo.

Going to be rolling alliance on Stalagg for classic with some Foo peeps. :slight_smile:

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Helf NE Hunter and Helfpaw NE druid. I played alliance side through BC. Then took a break for a long time. Was in Critical Mass. Looking for Bulker NE druid, Darnzymoto Human mage, and Spuishee NE priest. also all the folks from critical mass HI THAR!

Icemann! I can’t believe anything actually came out of this post. Hope all is going well with you!

I couldn’t remember DJ’s in game name at the time but Arua was definitely it. Are you coming back for Classic? Horde or Alliance this time around?

Things are going pretty well, I hope the same for you! It has been a long long time since the old Counterstrike days.

Yeah DJ changed it near the end of Vanilla to something like Okra or such.

I am playing horde as a main this time around for classic, just for something different and because most of my friend groups decided “Hey let’s play horde” Though I will likely alliance alt for the nostalgia at some point!

Hey I was in LoA for a good while too.

Never did get my Sulfuras Hammer though, man that was depressing. :frowning:

I’ll be playing Whitemane PVP Alliance side this time around with some of the old squad from LoA, Narcosis and Leet Crew. If anyone wants to join us feel free, I will be rolling the same thing I was last time.

Greenhilt - Human Warrior

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Greenhilt - Human Warrior, formerly of LoA, Narcosis and Leet Crew! :slight_smile:

Will be playing again with 10 or so old friends from the Vanilla days on Whitemane PVP, Alliance side. Same character name. :wink:

If anyone wants to connect and shoot the breeze with us (especially if you knew me or PvPed with me, drop me a line!), and/or level with our guild to 60 then go for Raiding feel free to DM me on Bnet RoyGreenhilt#11739.

Or feel free to join up on our Discord Server @ (add https://)

Hope to see some of you out there! :smiley:


Wargazim give you the message? Whew your raid voice rants were F O O KIN EPIC BRO lolol. Do you still have a link to that one from wrath/cata? Gotta link that sh!it if so.

Terrion - Human Paladin. Was in a small casual guild called The Brown Coats (had maybe a dozen regularish members at most). Few names I remember are Thaleia, Vannessa, and Nokturnal. Figured it couldn’t hurt to see if anyone is still around.

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