Stormreaver Alliance Reconnections

Im here and comming back :slight_smile:

LINDRE MY DUDE. ITS VADRAKHAR. The human rogue. Angelin’s IRL friend. Force of Will ftw. What server you joining?

I remember you from Force of Will man. Vadrakhar the human rogue here. :slight_smile:

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Sup Stormreaver.
Vadrakhar the human rogue with the dual AQ40 pugios.
Order of Shadows–> Force of Will --> Righteous Might (Where my fellow Cthun killers at?!) --> Out of Line for 2 weeks --> SuperBuddies(Noveno Espada) --> Duality
Miss everything about you all.

Hey! It is pretty amazing how many people from SR are thinking about playing Classic.

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Super stoked. It’s going to be Nostalgia incarnate. Talking to Iceweasel as we speak. Your fellow Nightelf Hunter from Force of Will. lol

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Used to raid BC with Fifty One, not sure if you were still there!

Used to raid BC with Fifty One, just like Elderfro, I’m not sure if you were still in the guild then.

I’ll be playing alliance on Herod. Name of Scubar. some jerk took me name!

I was a shadow priest back in naxx with Blackstar when we were trying to get through rezuvious cant remember my toons name. I remember felicity tho and of course sky and nazzarri

I remember you goodness Mike that went to the college right near the store played a priest?

What was your toon name and stuff I remember quite a bit

Not sure if anyone on here remembers playing with my but I was a lock who happened to hit 60 right before BC came out. Name was Randomizes. Probably going to re-sub and play a little bit when classic is launched if anyone wants to reach out!

Mentokk, the priest, hell Carl I have been to your house!

Of course it uses my daughters character to post lol

That’s nuts I def remember! Right now I’m going either Herod or Stalagg alliance. I was set on Herod, but I think the queues might be nutzo. Honestly, all servers will likely fill up tho? Because many are full from just name reservations. I imagine come the 26th Stalagg will have issues too.

How about you? Have you found anyone else playing?

Would be nice if we had an official discord or even ventrilo to make the classic memories better. The discords listed so far are a hodgepodge of randome people. It seems like a few impervious people are trying to take controll in a bad disorganized way. News flash impervious went to hell in a hand bag in LK and had serious issues at the end of BC and never recovered. Be nice if all former BC and Pre BC players all rolled on the same server. Right now I have been on 4 discords with former SR people all spread out among them.

I heard all those New York/Miami guys, Hethron, Epsillon, MysteriousG were going to play. We were always in the same channel for rogues and hunters for raids so it could be a fun little reunion but I haven’t confirmed with them yet. It sucks 'cause I’m moving to Hawaii in like 3 weeks. So I have absolutely no idea what server to choose where that benefits me. I guess if I join East Coast then Im raiding at like noon or something for yall in the evening. Ill keep Herod and Stalagg in mind. Nice to connect with you man, add Sharkswin#1475 and we can link up!

Anyome else from tfo stormreaver coming back? Was trying to see if our old rivals from the pre bg days will be back

  • yohnavan/yohnstoppabl

Gnome Mage - Mcloki
NE Warrior - Gobstoppa

Started in Reality Bites which merged into Critical Mass. After a while I went to Midnite Tokers/After Midnite until TBC.

The real question is, who remembers Magi!? ROFL