Stormreaver Alliance Reconnections

Where is Falkor (Falcor?) Flamesilver and Cathasigh (spelling may be off)

Looking for me??

I was in Camelot’s Requiem until we were absorbed by Mad Company. Then I was in Legions of Azeroth and ran with the Leet Crew friend group.

hey carl, you going to roll a warrior again?

man i have a huge list and ill probably edit in more as i remember. dyngman, tosan, sigfried, melodii, haidang, kloki, vaarm, giterai, isweariheal, kronikz/prontera, sagercy(might’ve only played after BC). anyone that was in midnite tokers / after midnight.

edit: this is a longshot but Hpjoe where you at brotha

Slax - Night Elf Druid - TFO

Still human pally i see, i remember queing BGs in IF with you and just chatting (on my warrior Weirdo). are you going to play classic?

Dominus, Dwarf Hunter here!

Founding member of Legions of Azeroth.

If Gineva, Ormold, or any of the others from the original days are checking this, let me know!

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Delwind/Delwynd NE Rogue/Druid. Anyone from HarroW coming back?

I’ll definitely have a character and level up. Not sure how serious it’ll be though!

I joined y’all just before AQ40! I still hear Gin tell everyone to loot corehounds when I go to Blackrock.

Went by Clavvson/Algrensan - Any old friends of Taco Bell Crew / Teh Lawl Firm / TFO / Blackstar / Narcosis, or if you remember me!

I’ll be making a horde guild on a west coast PVP server for launch - feel free to add me on bnet cynikal#11655 or on discord cynikal#6008


Hey, Went by Britonk/Douleur.
Was in Critical Mass/Blackstar/Mic Thrillas/Denied/ And something else I can’t remember.
btag Tuesdays#11222
Discord Tuesdays#0023

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I remember Cathasaigh from Legions of Azeroth, hope you were able to finally complete your hammer. I also remember Dom from Legions of Azeroth(Asgard). I will be sticking to modern Wow myself.

I remember a lot about Legions of Azeroth, Maymun, Benek, Orm, Starwhisper, Gineva, Scual, Imogen, Grim, Arkanik, Egobeast, Gnomomma, Wulven, Biramar, Kunkoh, Levay, Fargius, Defarian, Morthrax, Elda, Snappy, many more I am missing hope you are all doing well.

Itzie : Gnome Mage
Mishap : NE Warrior
Gorann : Human Priest

I will not be returning to the Classic days, good luck to all that do.


Txt / Toughlove - Vanilla I was in Critical Mass as a hunter then swapped to a prot warrior in TBC

TBC Guilds- Bloodthirst, Denied, Duality

Looking for some old buddies
Neme (paladin)

But if ever played with you please reach out, would love to reconnect. I’ve got a crew rolling on an EST PvP Server, alliance.

Discord: Tlove#6181

Hey, I played on Stormreaver in wotlk with a few friends. I was a gnome warlock named Asthmatic / human rogue named Blackwynd. Do you remember playing arenas with us?

Hit me up on discord at blackwind#3602!

Beleriand- NE Hunter

Force of Will

Hoping that old SR players can get on same Classic server.

Long live Xyshichron.

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I was a NE Hunter named Firiel.

Beleriend I remember you, we did a lot of AB together. Was some of the best of WoW for me!

Yeah, those were the days! AB was so much fun in classic as a hunter. Eyes of the Beast at the start…control pet to Farm and prevent the Horde from turning over the flag until Ally reinforcements. Doesn’t get better than that.

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Hey everyone, I made a Discord server called SR Classic Reunion. Here is a perm invite, include the https:// before “” and people can just chat, plan to form guilds/choose same server and catch up with old friends and comrades in arms.
My discord is Jraek#4433 if anyone wants to add me, most likely will delete the Discord server shortly after classic launch unless people want to keep it around.

I think I can find him, I ll pass the word on