Stormreaver Alliance Reconnections

Yo! We’re grabbing anyone from Foo that wants to join us on alliance pvp server once classic comes out. Myself and Tahna (Tobath (rogue)/Gesus (paladin)). We’ve put a few messages in the foo discord about it, but will probably put some more later. We talked to Joe about it and he’ll be sending any others our way.


Hey nice to hear from you guys :slight_smile: I remember both of you. Hope to hear from Sky at some point, but maybe we can hook up in classic either way

Bahramm here. Hmu

Tobath - Night Elf Rogue / Gesus - Human Paladin (currently Tahna)

Guilds: Forgotten Souls, Foo, Out of Line, Bloodthirst
Connections: Smakk, Osedax, Retspan, Joebane

Looking for people who want to reconnect. Osedax and I are going to be running a guild on a top PVP server (Alliance).


Where my death Legion boys at

I’m looking for an Old Tank Paladin I used to know called “Tylenol” and we were both in a guild called “The Misfits.” I think the GM’s name was Andy?? Anyways, I’m also looking for an old friend called “Mandito” who used to played a Warlock Toon; we used to really enjoy exploring the world and just killing random stuff during those times. Oh, and also a Discipline Priest friend named “Discipra” you made me my very first “Primal Bag” before you quit playing WoW unfortunately.

Hey Cata/Eyedrop gnome mage from Blackstar here. great to see some familiar names here. Any of you still playing retail now?

Dwarf Warrior Kazazin - Fifty One

Wonder if any of the old boys will be playing again. I think I will sadly be horde this time though on a shaman named elderfro as my name runs now.

His name was Hobbs! And he is going to be playing WoW Classic and is an active Hearthstone streamer/youtuber!

Name: Tpwnz - Gnome Warrior
Guild: Lacertus

I can’t remember everyone i played with from this guild but the few that come to mind: Bustr, luckytheelf, hudatelf, jlane, pixy, dixy, cme, mouse

I starting playing at the end of Vanilla or the beginning of TBC but reading through the previous posts I recognize some of the names and guild names. I probably didn’t play with any of you, I probably just admired you all from a far because I was so bad at the time lol. Anyways my characters were Puppypacker the dwarf hunter and Shammystyle the Draenei shaman if anyone out there remembers me :slightly_smiling_face:

HammaSlamma/Thelin BloodThirst … BloodThirst/Righteous Might/Impervious. Those were the days.

Dwarf Priest (usually shadow)

Mindtricks, the human mage. Whats gucci if you are reading this.

Quazgar - Dwarf Paladin
Quaz - Gnome Rogue
Quazgara - Gnome Warlock
Raided with Homebrew and later Fifty One.
Warduke, Krodana, Shadestorm, Baxs, Chaeni and many many others.

Human Warrior - Joel and Weirdo
Gnome Rogue - Jetblack
Gnome Mage - Fiestyone
Night Elf Hunter - Jetro

Lots of memories of Classic back then, Jraek#1295 if anyone that knew me wants to reach out.

took break from retail but i was in blackstar for awhile on my warrior Weirdo

Night Elf Priest/Warrior
Nightmare Inc


re: cottonswab, yeah he was always typing in all caps in trade, rofl. I asked him about it one time and he told me he was an older guy and that was the only way he could see the text, but I’m pretty sure everyone just thought he was a huge troll XD

This is Tunnerz I hope everyone from TFO comes back!


Looking for Kwong, Buzzman, Roberson, Sneaky and many many more… I did not survive the transition to, Korgath was it? I long for the days…