Stormreaver Alliance Reconnections

I remember you…

Hmm that “…” seems a little ominous.

Lavela - NE warrior MT for Vanguard of the Alliance. Saw some familiar names here. Good times on SR.

Coldsong NE warrior - Dread

any of dread boys still playing? I know most moved to Korgath

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My original char! Of course i was an NE Druid back then.
Name: Flagship
Guild: Impervious
Discord: Jigabachi#1467
Playing a Horde Shaman this time, see you around!

The name seems strangely familiar…

Hey everyone!
I was a n.e. Druid, my toon name was Kissabella. I was in Legendary Raiders (I think that was the name) and everyone always just called me Bella. I really hope some of my old buddies find this, especially swatdeadman, i miss the smell of bacon haha.

oh hey gem :rofl:

Weren’t you in “Fifty One” at one point, with Darkness and Daisy as the guild leaders?

Hey there, this is UnholyKiller (former member/officer of Fifty One).
Haven’t played WoW in a LONG time, but returning to play Alliance. This time on a Normal server though (Pagle-USEast).

Hey, Let me know what server you plan to hit. I was old school Foo as well - Malek (warlock) - and would be interested.

Hi guys. did you get the names you wanted?

I played a Gnome Warlock - Fold and was in Blood Thirst (as a friend) and Righteous Might (as a raider) back in the day. Btag is word010#1463

Dubsform NE Druid i dont remember what guild i was in but my favorite was “Fatty and Friends” in tbc

that discord link is expired lol

discord: Dubs#2122
btag: Dubs#1522


Midnite Tokers

NE Warrior Enfini here :slight_smile:

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lol coldsong, what’s good brotha

Field Marshall Xyshina
HarroW / NMI
We have a SR discord filled with some oldies, HarroW / Impervious / GC / Cabal, hit me up
Discord: Xyshina#2907

sup Delwind, hit me up on discord, we have a crew

crap missed a letter in the discord invite above, its a perm link and fixed above as well as good here, include the https:// before “”

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Icemann - Dwarf Hunter

I still remember watching you have to tame a turtle to finish a princess run. And the warrior pvp video, Good times.

Not sure where the rest of the old group vanished off to, though DJ was definitely named Ärua for most of classic until he forced a name change over the special character.

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