Ohhh it’s from an add on? My only recently new add on is capping.
I think it is? I could be wrong. Either way it’s just stacks of 20, yeah?
from the capping addon page:
- Alterac Valley - Node timers, auto quest turnins
Ahh thought it was a Blizzard change. Either way, I like it! Sometimes I have too many. And pretty sure it’s still the stacks of 5
They need to do something I think, anyone can loot and few people of them turn in.
Well like you said in the other post, they are going to add something that shows progress on crystal turn ins in the next patch.
Citation needed.
I don’t think it was I that said that, but I saw someone mention something like that. I haven’t seen any patch notes about it myself. I thought that’s what you were talking about.
Something that could be done in the interim that might help awareness if an addon like Capping checked the progress NPC dialogue every ~5 turnins or so and did a chat blast (or raid warning, if player is the party leader) announcing that a new “chunk” of progress had been achieved.
Come to think of it, if enough people have the addon installed and each addon talked to each other that’d be good enough for an approximate progress bar.
This is the post I was referring to. And I believe it was a blue post stating this in the epic thread.
If only there was a cohesive place to look for things.
It’s in the last blue post in the epic thread. On my phone so not easy to quote to here.
here it is!
Oh yeah, I didn’t mean to be rude. Full confession: I was a noob and didn’t actually know where to turn in crystals. So shortly after I figured it out, the auto turn ins just seemed to happen, well, automatically… I don’t think I have an addon that does it. Now… all I need to do is find that darn Frostwolf banner!
Capping and DBM handle auto-turn ins, among other addons.
On Alliance, anyway, the turn-ins for crystals are hidden up in a little alcove by the north tower.
Sadly, it’s not a Blizzard change. You must have some add-on that does it. So people say, you still have to click each time to hand in one or a stack of 5. I got excited Blizz made a stealth change. Never really thought to suggest that, but after this add-on does it OMG what a difference if you have 20+
Yeah I have a different addon (quick quest i think?) that autocompletes any quest and auto triggers the “action” dialog option for non quests. Works anywhere (hold shift to prevent it from working).
It’s handy in like Wintergrasp when you make the first rank, I’ll always get a Cat before we run out of slots. (When there’s choices to pick Demos and Sieges tho, you have to pick still, which is good)
Not sure if Capping quick pick works in WG.
It’s great that you have that ability, but the rest of us lacking it is no good. Blizzard needs to do some “embrace and extend” with what some of these add-ons do.
I wonder if the azeroth questing add-on does it. I imagine so, it automates a lot of stuff.
Totes. They need to do what Apple and Google does. Oh everyone likes that app and/or tweak? Well it’s ours now.
But they are so slow to change.
Prolly. I don’t use that one cuz I don’t level anything, and it fills the screen with crap that doesn’t matter to a 120.
@Jara and Juga, o rly!
Must be Capping then. TY for your edification.