
For all my stormstrike lovers, what are you looking forward to the most out of the upcoming Stormbringer hero talent?


Hitting stormbringer more! I actually really am hoping for an update to the ascendence model cause I really love the thorims invocation builds and I love windstrike …


I’m hoping for something aligned with Ascendence. I want more frequency of the ability while maintaining the control of activating it myself.


That would be nice. How about 2 charges of stormstrike too? The other spec could maybe get 2 charges of something else (e.g., riptide for resto? - is that just one charge these days?)


I’ve thought about stormstrike double charge as well, and yes riptide does have a talent to give it 2 charges.

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I’ve been wanting a new ascendance model since 4.0 lol. I’ve always thought it looked hideous and I really loved the WoD glyph.

As far as what I want from Stormbringer… honestly I don’t know. What could you add to enhance? It already has lightning bolts and lightning melee attacks.

One thing that would be nice is if Stormstrike dealt… wait for it…. Stormstrike damage. Crazy I know.

Other than that… bring back storm blast from MoP? lol.

I really like the way enhance plays right now so it’s hard to come up with new things I would want from a hero tree. Better defensives for sure, but Stormbringer doesn’t scream defense to me. Maybe lightning shield can provide some sort of defensive benefit.


I like that, Lightning Shield is definitely made less important as you lvl up, and is honestly annoying to keep applying and could look way cooler. I hope there are a lot of ease of play buffs aka - (i dont have to press as many buttons, but the ones i do press are greatly improved)

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Honestly I’m hoping Stormbringer doubles down on the Storm build side of the tree.

I mean each Hero Spec should favour one of the two builds, one for Storm and one for Elementalist. This firstly will cater to everyone’s preference, no one is left out, secondly easier to tune without effecting the other build/playstyle to bring them closer to each other % wise.

Stormstrike regardless hands down needs 2 charges. But I’m hoping in TWW both play styles can flourish and be equally as viable.


Ascendence is an abomination isn’t it? It looks so dumb, like what a 9 year old thinks is cool. Can’t we just turn into a colored shade of our character, sorta like voidform, or turn into a respective elemental (water/fire/air)?


I somewhat miss Fury of Air from Legion. Thinking about being the eye of the storm, with chain lightning everywhere.


I would just like to never use piss wave again in my life. Or lava lash,r eally.


I hope it has nothing to do with Stormstrike and focuses on the Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt. Stormbringer seems like it would centered around buffing these abilities for Ele and Enhance.


It kinda sucks that elementalist is so against anything ascendence related, based on how the talent tree plays out. makes singling ascendence out for a hero tree more lopsided endeavor and forces them to focus the other tree on buffing pwave to compensate. But I would still prefer them doing that than leaving ascendence as is.

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Make Doom Winds feel better to hit. Longer range, boost to attack speed, shorter cooldown, more instant damage, etc.

Maybe something like Tomb of Sargeras Tier set, stacking Crash Lightning damage.

Something like static cling.



Fury of air could function well as a passive way to spend maelstrom stacks.

Also 2 charges of SS like others said.


Good ideas, maybe a stacking buff that transforms crash lightning into a stormblast/Forked lightning.

I don’t support 2 charges of SS unless they rework or delete DRE. I 100% support 2 charges of SS if they do that because DRE is an abomination talent. Doomwind need to feel better to press button and Converging Storms should be Tomb of Sargeras tier set bonus.

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I disagree. I love DRE. It makes modern ENH feel like classic ENH. In classic you farm for RNG WF procs, in modern wow with DRE you farm for Ascendance procs.

I just wish tier sets didn’t force you into one build over the other and both builds were equally viable to play. I feel with the rework to elemental assault they really solved a huge issue with the elements build for ENH (at least from a PvP perspective) but tier set basically forces you into elements build.

Just my opinion.


That’s how I’ve always seen - as catering to that vanilla WF feeling. And I think it does that pretty well.

Alot of the criticism has been on how it procs - exclusively from stormstrike.

What if, instead, it was just a PPM proc that could be triggered by any melee attack, like windfury. Or from any special attack, like stormbringer?


Amen to this.