Storm Stormwind with Hydra!

Why is Hydra Horde? It was formed when Ashran was imbalanced and Horde were regularly crushed. It was a glorious group of underdogs who fought the meta faction.

Horde are BY FAR the meta faction now. They own pve and pvp everything. Hydra are no longer the under dogs and, frankly, aren’t needed. They should switch to Alliance, honestly.

This sounds like a fun event :slight_smile:

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That’s because they have majority power in RP, Dosao. They only retaliate when they know it’s an easy win. That would be the psychology of it, but since I haven’t seen the RP Allis in action, I know they have to be better than the Normal Allis I sucked wind for too many times in my years of Retail.

On that thought, if it was Normal Horde vs RP Alliance, that would be the final countdown event. And sadly, if I had to pick a side, it would be the Normal Horde. As a longtime Normal Alli, I have a lot of respect for their prowess in PvP.

That’s just not true. When Legion dropped and we discovered Alliance had been farming Tol Barad for 2 months for honor Hydra started doing the same thing and EVERY SINGLE TIME Run Gaming showed up and found Hydra there they would drop group and phase out right in front of our eyes. Hence the name “Run Gaming”. Hydra LOVES rivalry and competition. That once was the foundation of WOW and each faction had faction PRIDE and LOYALTY. Back when you had to make the choice. Then the “racial” was introduced and people jumped ship to go to Alliance. Cryptid founded her “league” in direct response to Hydra’s existence and stated so numerous times in these very forums. Rivalry and actual PvP competition above and beyond the few who shoot for Blizzard’s gold ring in arenas has been non-existent since WOD. If Blizzard actually wants to re-energize this game it’s not with lite versions of old content, they need to allow large scale PVP premade action. There would no longer be a need for Horde to do the mercenary contract so Alliance has enough players on its side to participate in PVP and we wouldn’t have hour queues if you queue for a specific epic bg. Rally the troops guys! Alliance and Horde - it’s way past time to have some actual FUN in this game. July 3rd is Hydra’s attempt to wake the player base up and answer the real Call To Arms! Maybe some of our old rivals from WOD still exist and would enjoy having some fun also. Even the forums’ Queen of the Trolls says without Hydra WOW would not have been much fun. Well, kids, here we are! Stock up on in-game fireworks guys and let’s celebrate the 4th of July Holiday with style!

Nah girl.

That whole weekend ima be at the beach, drinking and blowing stuff up.

Have fun tho.

Hah. Don’t we still have until August before we are all going back to work or something? You know, the whole paid staycation thing?

Plenty more weekends between now and before Labor Day weekend to do that.

I’m just cracking wise of course, but hey, July 3 is as good as any day to cowboy up with Hydra.

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Are you kidding?

I’ve been working through the whole pandemic, I’m “essential”. :upside_down_face:

I am so happy to have some time off. Hydra can pound sand.

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Likewise, since I work in transportation. That’s your fault and my fault for choosing to work an “essential job” lol. Even so, the call of the Hunt inspires me…

What I want is a group that steamrolls every corner of content that Azeroth has to offer. Not just SW, or major cities.
I’m talking out in the middle of Saldean’s farm, Darkshire, Gurabashi. Deadmines. BRD.
Bounties on players.
Challenging opposing factions to all out war.
Anywhere you could imagine.

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When you leave BG’ s because you are losing , it does not inspire confidence to follow you in WPvP… just saying .


LEL! I did this all the time in Call of Duty. But at the same time, if you’re looking at a -1.5k or -2k point spread on TDM in games like that, it just saves time to back out and get into a new lobby. I’m not exactly the leading type, unless it’s leading by example(and mine’s not really a popular example).

What I do instead if I’m in a losing situation is just spike the ball, to expedite the game. Not very inspiring, yes, but when you got 100’s and 100’s more to do, you kinda want to play for endurance lol. As someone who got a 1.46 W/L ratio back in Battlefield 3, I learn real quick not to spend a lot of energy on losing matches.

Even in WPvP, I occasionally take a knee(yield) after exhausting everything.

Edit: Before the day I got City Attacker for my personal Horde guild, I believe that from time played and amount of kills earned, I died as a conservative estimate about 1,000 times. I take my L’s like the best of them.

no zeela im not interested in your tupperware party go away


We shall soon see what tomorrow will look like!

How did it go?

And that’s exactly why real PvP doesn’t happen like it should. If we thought it was bad in BFA, it’s even worse now when there’s no incentives. Horde participation is a necessary evil to get those juicy AOO and 30% WM bonus carrots, you see. But now without that, the Alliance’s will to even bother is worsened.

I’ve never starved a donkey before, but I can imagine they would be really dangerous to deal with. A donkey without its carrot can be quite the…

We got wiped! Hydra is rusty but we got our feet wet, have a taste for more. Stay tuned!

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And not a single wow player is surprised.

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Can we setup some kinda esport gambling on this? This some good entertainment and I’d like to make some money.

Thanks for making an effort!

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