The event vendor, and npc responsible for numerous quests, Storm Huntress Suhrakka at the Zeppelin Tower outside of Orgrimmar never spawned into the game. The quest icon is available at her correct location on the minimap, but she never spawns in. I’ve tried logouts, exits, resetting with skirmish queues. No luck. Please assist as this is a large part of the pre-patch event.
I am having this issue as well. it has been missing for about 5 hours now for me. it disappeared right after I went and completed the first primal quest. i came back and she was gone.
Having the same issue. NPC has been missing for the last few hours. Have Sigil of Storms quest and marker shows where Suhrakka should be, but not there.
Same issue. Seems to be an instance problem because there are no other players around. I have tried restarting the game, reloading the instance, killing myself and abandoning the quest but nothing fixed it.
Contacted support and found a fix. You have to complete the quest Call of Duty which you picked up at the docks. just complete it and hearth back.
You are the best!
It worked for me aswell
Thank you
I completed the quest and it didn’t do anything for me.
This is very frustrating…
That’s strange it fixed it for me right away. Are you sure you turned in the quest at the guy inside the boat? You have to take the boat then hearth back after turning it in.
That’s correct. I just waited until the boat wrecked and then turned the quest in to the guy you end up next to. Maybe I didn’t go far enough in the quest line?
Same issue for me.
so there is a quest called “Call of Duty” at the tower. if you picked this up you need to complete it and possible a few chain quests after it. OR simply abandon teh quest. as soon as i abandoned it i was move to the current timeline instance and the vendor was there.
Thank you, I simply abandoned the quest Call of Duty and my issue was fixed!
I Have abandoned all quests, still not fixed =(
For anyone who needs an alternative to the Call of Duty completion/abandon fix, try looking for slyvanus outside of orgrimmar, (maybe theres one for alliance as well) finish the first quest from sylvanus and the secondary quest from an npc by the UC portal Zeppelin tower and finish the quest you get from there. Its a total of 5 mins and fixed my phasing problem hope this helps
This fixed it for me. Thank you so much! I was getting so frustrated
FOUND IT! For me, I was stuck in the Pre-shadowland instanced phase. I noticed when I walked to the front gates of Orgrimmar, Sylvannas was at the front on the podium fighting off the legion. Spoke with her, got the “Go to dalarann” quest. Went to portal room, finished the quest to get dalarann hearthsone. Took portal back to orgrimmar and I was in the right instance! I can see her now!
Edit: I think you have finish whatever quest is keeping you out of the instance and in a different “Timeline”.
me as well… i do not have ‘call of duty’
I am stuck as well. I do not have any quests but the 2 for this NPC.
This might be what I’m stuck in then. I saw the same thing but I ignored her and kept searching for Call of Duty. Going to have to go back and find out if this helps.
EDIT: What Capnstab said works. It’s not just the quest for Call of Duty, is appears to be any quest that instances the zone at the gates or docks of Ogrimmar. Find the quest giver, finish the chain and then come back.
This worked for me. Thank you!