Storm-bound chest bug

Conduits aren’t even showing now

On my shard at least…

I just takes what seems like forever for them to show up. Five or more minutes. But they eventually do and then it goes quick.

I’ve tried 3 different times and it’s not working.

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Blizzard has known about this for a week now and even after “Maintenance” it still did not get fixed. I swear they need to rename the “Bug Report” forums to " :poop: we don’t care about and we just want to watch you complain while we take your money"

IE yeah broken on Agammaggan AGAIN


agree with above poster.

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No dang conduits today for me on Cairne realm …still broke…

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Bugged since launch.

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Only Bugs wen a clueless casual who is blissfully ignorant to the finer side of this game or someone who is either a Troll or that Lazy they would rather head back to town or whatever they do after Clicking on this chest or the Water bond chest . I keep giving lizzard in game bug reports over and over about this topic yet Despite Increasing the item level of Well the Water Bound Chest loot to 460 or a bit higher to coincde with this latest season as of writing this they failed to add a way for these chests once Bugged by the afformentioned player types above to simply Despawn after X amount of time has passed or hell even on the Daily Reset. Anything to fix these which have been a Bug problem for as long as I have Played Dragonflight well at least since them being active in the game whichever Early patch that was if Not on launch which was the Waterbound. I really want to catch one of these players in the act since on my 2 Oceanic Realms I Play on it is very very Rare to find the Water Chest unaffected and even rarer to see the Storm Bound chest clikable either. I honestly don’t care how late it is in the expansion to “fix these” if anyone wants me to stop complaining but these events wont go away in The War Within or the expansion following that so them Needing a fix as of now is a bit pertinent and I will remainas one of the very few to actually care enough to do so.