Storm-bound chest bug

Same bug on Stormrage. Stalls out on Phase 2 with no conduits

Bumpus on MG can’t target the rods

There was more maint this morning but you still can’t charge the conduits

I was able to do this successfully on launch day when the conduits actually appeared for everyone. To charge them we just went and stood right under them before using the button; no manual targeting was required. It would seem odd for them to change this at all if people are still having issues even seeing them.

Bugged as well on Argent Dawn, if only there was a way to test this stuff before it went live, some kind of testing system.

I tried standing right under them and kept getting ‘no valid targets’.


Still broken on Wyrmrest Accord.
Yesterday pillars were up as people were charging it, but I could not see them.
Seems that it is now a widespread issue.

As of this moment it is still broke on Area52. Looking at Stage 2 chest no conduits anywhere.

Broken on Norgannon

Bump. Area-52 this is still bugged. Seriously…

10.1 will fix it.

Chest showed up the event is active but can’t bloody discharge at all on Cairne realm…

Blizz, you need to either fix this event or remove it. On Ghostlands, can’t target the things that need charging. Really frustrating. I think you have the same problem with the Conduits as you do the Dragonscale Expedition climbing stones: you are burying them too deeply in the “landscape.”


I did this event successfully on two alts yesterday, but the third had the same problem described above. All on Earthen Ring.

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Yesterday on Nesingwary I was unable to complete this event three times. I am so tired of the “small indie company” jokes that blizzard has become the butt of, frankly small indie companies do a far better job than blizzard have in many years. Their shoddy coding and absolute lack of testing have ensured that I will NEVER purchase another blizzard game.

Broken bad content.

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Still broken.

Still broken on Cairne-US. No conduits available.

They don’t even show up on Alexstrasza-US all we get are the swirls of the enemies and a locked chest

New week and still bugged. I was able to do it once last week, but the other times have all been bugged. You can’t charge the conduits.