Store transmog and why It's a problem

I don’t know about that. I am pretty big fan of all the heritage sets except the Worgen’s. Although,I do have to say the set looks 100% better on the ladies than the dudes.

Then you have the WF sets, all of those looks pretty sweet, especially the Horde stuff.

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Have you seen the goblin one :expressionless:

And I researched multiple sources that said you were wrong and that subs are at 13 million + you freaked out and did the same thing…so mature.

Oh okay, just playing captain obvious about a point that doesn’t need to be made and is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand? Got it.

It doesn’t matter, it should be obtainable via quests, achievments, drops, etc in-game period. Not charging people $20.

You have blinders on, that’s fine. It’s taking away from fun in-game activities and charging us $20 for it…unless you’re saying without charging us $20 it would never have existed? Which is just dumb.

Weird…how is grinding for gold any of those things? Oh that’s right, It’s not. You’re wrong. Stop trying to string things that are completely irrelevant together just so you can argue a point that’s not being made…

Because grinding gold and buying WoW tokens isn’t questing, It’s not getting item drops, It’s also not in any way an achievement…use some basic common sense before making yourself look like a fool, PLEASE.

Which in no way is fun or has anything to do with fun in-game activities to obtain items…which is literally the whole point of the thread…that you apparently completely didn’t read.

Still dislike it, yet you’re trying to argue with me that I shouldn’t dislike it. Yikes.

Grinding gold isn’t fun, nobody has fun grinding gold to pay for cash shop items. Stop pretending grinding gold and buying wow tokens is somehow more fun than doing an entertaining quest or working towards obtaining the transmog by fun in-game means.

You must have never played WoW prior to the merger or ever watched any of the dev talks.

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What do you think “etc” means?


All your responses are literally the equivalent of you saying “no you!” :rofl::rofl:


Ok, so you are just gonna lay on the floor tantruming that you should have it just because.

I was pretty sure that was the case, but thanks for clearing that up.


Yeah, you lost me at “slap in the face”.


I will explain it slowly for you.

Was that slow enough or should I talk backwards?


3D sets were added in legion.

the HoV sets,
The world defiler set
Antorous set
Velf heritage armor
Belf heritage armor
Dazar alor raid

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Yeah. Wasn’t one of the better ones considering the story behind it. I do like it though because it feels like a sapper set, ready to explode at any moment.

Can you briefly explain the content that was intended for the base game, but was instead removed and reclassified as a cash-shop item?


It would be fun at the very least to watch you say all of this backwards.

Same thing was said about mounts and all the paid mounts are ugly af. The only thing worth buying are the pets and I don’t pet battle so no point. Also, I’d feel like a loser using anything from the shop.

lmao I’d probably need more coffee for that, but if it would help Captain Density over there, I’d be willing to do it.


Like everyone completely forgot the covenant sets easily got more work put into them than the shop costume.

I got it and never used it. Felt like a low level dungeon leather/mail set with a random rocket on the shoulder.


You can get it with gold. Buy wow token with gold, convert it to money, and boom. You spent it with gold and not your own money. :scream: Amazing I know, Right? That’s via in-game way…Right? cough


BuT ThAt’S NoT FuN

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Also, I am expecting I may have crossed the line, so if I disappear I probably got a timeout, but I love you all!


It’s not like you tried to charge $20 (or in game gold) for a cosmetic item. Now that would be unforgiveable.