Store transmog and why It's a problem

I mean, believe whatever you want if that’s what helps you sleep at night. This whole point you’re trying to argue is completely irrelevant the the OP anyway…

Yeah, I know. Some people claimed and said they would be happy if they could pay $100 at the start of every expansion to instantly fly. There’s literally crazy people everywhere, even in WoW.

Believe your own words that came out of your keyboard you mean?

There sure are.

No, just believe whatever you want. I don’t care. I made a post about my opinion so people could see it. I accomplished that. You arguing with me about something completely irrelevant doesn’t affect me none.

You summed it up perfectly, thank you. Imagine flagging this post, people are ridiculous.

Never saw that. Never flagged your stuff. You know exactly how to skirt CoC. I only flag extremely hostile stuff. Which is rare.

Replying and having a debate with you isn’t harassing.

So because people respond to others in threads means you’re the center of the world? I guess that makes the roughly 100 or so people everyone’s replied to over the years the center of the world, too. That’s some twisted logic right there.

I did not come into threads thousands of posts later to specifically post quotes from an entirely different thread that had nothing to do with the current thread just to slander. Sorry, but no.

Yes. An article on speculations to complement your topic. I’m sorry, was it wrong to post something about your topic that wasn’t personal and was there to add more discussion to your thread?

Yes I did. It was getting heated and out of hand. So I had fun with it. Just like others. So is everyone else that was in there stalking you, too?

Derailing a thread to keep it less hostile isn’t harassment. Someone needs to learn what harassment is. But you obviously don’t, since literally everyone who ever posts in your threads with an opposing view is harassing you.

It’s what we were talking about the entire time. So instead of clarifying, you chose to attack me and then spread it around the forums like some next level high school bullying type thing.

Nice try.

Nope. I’ll address that at the end here.

No one acted like that.

Actually you weren’t.

Not an attack.

Not an attack.

Not an attack.

Not an attack.

Not an attack.

Rhuor continued a conversation with you that wasn’t an attack. And for about 10 more posts after that, only one person showed exasperation. You then started into snark and rolling your eyes and dismissing arguments.

You set the tone for the discussion all on your own.



You should be like the president of a PTA or Politician

You are relentless for 3 days now?

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The widely believed theory from fans and critics is that when Blizzard launches an expansion box, much money is to be made. Release expansions faster and that much more money is to be made.

I don’t believe in this theory at all. I also don’t know what Blizzard’s actual, point-a-gun-to-their-head reasoning is but I feel strongly that the goal is not necessarily to generate more money. There’re much more lucrative opportunities to generate revenue than the old adage of “doing more with less.” It’s a big and risky investment to bank on expansion sales every year or two when there are more predictable and less risky approaches to growth.

In the case of WoW, premium content has been shown to be extremely lucrative. Its first big dive into it was the Celestial Steed, this goofy looking flying sparkle horse. Again trash in my own personal opinion. But news folk in the gaming world noticed how hot sales were looking during the first few hours of its availability and projected that, Blizzard made millions off this mount. Considering the development that goes into a mount and its return, you’d think that Blizzard would pull this sort of stunt all the time. It’s speculative, but it’s likely that even now, Blizzard has resisted the temptation to overdevelop premium content for the sake of revenue. After all, going too far in that direction makes a pretty bad impression on gamers who vilify the notion of premium content, and these gamers are really really loud. Yes I’m talking about you.

To help, I’m going to rely on this website, This is a pretty neat site that can pull up all sorts of useful data. last time was updated was 2019 but check this out. Celestial Steed 19.7%
Armored Bloodwing 13.8%
Enchanted Fey Dragon 16.3%
Grinning Reaver 10.8%
Heart of the Aspects 18.5%
Iron Skyreaver 11.2%
Mystic Runesaber 9.1%
Swift Windsteed 8.4%
Warforged Nightmare 10.5%
Winged Guardian 19.2%

Average ownership 13.75%

So let’s make some broad assumptions instead. We’ll use American dollars for our values. Let’s lowball it and say that only 10% of the active player base is ever willing to buy these mounts, down from the 13-14% average from the earlier table. Let’s low ball even more and say we have 3 million active players to work with. Let’s low ball even further and say every mount was purchased on sale, for $15 instead of the $25 or $30.

Based on that scale, we’re going to project that for every mount released, it will be purchased by 300,000 players and generate a maximum of 4.5M dollars in its total lifetime, so I low balled yet again. Considering all of that, that’s not bad at all. The biggest benefit of this is the expansion on what they can produce in game by having more money to hire more people to make things for in-game. And also you are complaining about literary 13% of WoW population. I mean more level 120’s have the mount Invincible than the celestial mount. Your complaint is unfounded


Oh this is the third time. People on these forums truly believe that if they disagree with someone, that person shouldn’t be able to speak. It’s absolutely hilarious.

Except for when I reply in the same exact manner, then all of a sudden it becomes harassing. Right.

No, but the fact that they all wanted to post purely to troll and harass me kind of does. :relaxed:

I have no problem with you posting in my threads at all, that wasn’t what was being discussed. It was that you stalk / post in all my threads like you claim I do to you.

Which is thread derailment and considered harassment. You don’t go into a presidential debate and start screaming “WHO WANTS TO PLAY COOOOOOOOOOOOKING MAMA?!” do you? No, you stop watching it or leave.

It 100% is. Derailing a thread is harassment, period. You’re intentionally trying to take attention away from the discussion and ruin the thread. That’s harassment and It’s not okay.

It would be like me going into the high elf threads and saying “Woah, calm down guys! This thread is now about Setharak being a new race!” and spamming the thread with completely irrelevant discussion.

Yes, you do. Derailing is harassment and is reportable. I understand that everything anyone you disagree with is harassment and things you do AREN’T but that’s not how the world works. You’ll realize that some day when people report you and you get banned for it.

Already went over this. Opposing views aren’t harassment. I responded to them all. Saying “Stop crying!” or saying something snarky then trying to argue how you dislike my opinion is harassment which almost 85% of the commenters did.

No it wasn’t. Quote me anywhere, where we were discussing unique special super transmogs. This is a direct quote from the OP:

Seriously, stop lying so much. It’s why nobody wants to have a serious discussion with you.

Why should I have to clarify what YOU mistook and didn’t read? That’s not my job to say “Oh, I think you’re trying to argue with me about something I’m not even making a point about sir…”

When YOU realize YOUR mistake you say “Oh, wow…I misunderstood what this was about, I’m so sorry. I thought you were talking about super duper transmog sets…my bad”

I merely continued to discuss what you seemingly wanted to talk about.

Imagine thinking targeting someone’s thread and telling everyone to start talking about cooking instead of discussing the actual topic ISN’T harassment…you have to be one of the most delusional people I’ve talked with.

Telling me to stop crying isn’t acting childish? Telling me my opinion is stupid isn’t childish? I mean you can claim to think that’s mature discussion but It’s ALSO harssment.

Actually I was.

Never said it was.

Never said that was, either.

Never said that was, either.

Yup, I agree. Glad I never said it was.

That guy literally apologized and said he’s a grumpy old man and to not take his opinion with much salt…but I’m glad I never called it an attack and that you got the whole quote.

Probably because they didn’t pertain to the OP or were just blatantly obtuse and attempts to troll.

Yeah, people did harass me.

A little less than two. :roll_eyes:

Why would you not? Everyone knows that every expansion is a huge hype train and from past graphs is ALWAYS a spike in player base. So not only are there MORE players during these times, they’re all buying an expansion on top of their sub fee. You’d have to be pretty silly to not see that time and time again over the lifes span and not say “Hey…if we release expansions faster we’re make TONS more money!”

Is that why despite making more money than projected, they fired over 800 employees last year?

I mean if you were going to make the content purely based off subscription & expansion sales…then take that content and charge MORE money for it for people to buy, of course you’re going to make more money…you’re literally charging for something twice as opposed to once.

I mean just this expansion we have 4x’s the mounts introduced than ever…but go on?

I mean if you literally look over time they’ve slowly pushed more and more towards it. Mounts, then pets, then toys and now transmogs as well? When is it going to be too much? We pay a premium price sub fee, we pay expansion fees, now in-game content is being charged to us? When will we get a break? I for one and seriously considering just canceling my sub and refunding BFA, honestly.

Aside from vocalizing here, voting with your wallet is the only way to really get attention from how Blizzard is being ran now. Back in 2013 when they added the tmog helmets they faced backlash and I remember them saying something along the lines of they weren’t going to add anymore tmog and they wanted to just test the waters.

Now a days they’re just going to do it anyway, because more and more of Blizzards core members who created the company are leaving. It’s in the hands of Activision more and more… the company that literally re-sells the same FPS every year on the mark with almost no effort into changing it at full price every time.

That’s why they offered this first one for “free” as a gift to “loyal” players. People say “Blizzards rewarding me for being a good boy / girl! They SHOULD be allowed to charge us twice for in-game content! They’re just trying to survive!”

People not buying the mounts doesn’t change anything. Remember the quest in hillsbrad foothills? With the blood elf and his sparkly celestial pony he brags about where you have to become a quest NPC and give him a quest?

Let’s pretend that fun little silly quest rewarded that guys celestial steed after completing it. What do you think the ownership of that mount would be? My guess is a lot higher than them charging people $25 for it.

In-game content shouldn’t be in a cash shop, it should be obtainable in-game, period.

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So you’re basically saying it’s not a good business model and sticking your fingers in your ears? Numbers don’t lie, and I spent an hour writing and doing research why a cash shop is good for the game, and all you can reply is “I don’t like it.” Got it, should have expected more.

An expansion is a tricky thing. The return is not guaranteed, that’s why with subs down in BFA they had to fire people and put more items on cash shop, or in my opinion they would have fired more (because bfa sucked and they were not making the return they invested in creating the expansion.) basically an mmo cannot survive without a cash shop in this day and age. To say otherwise is to have your head in the sand.

I’m just glad they put trash on the cash shop that I would never use in game, otherwise I believe more than 13% of the population would be purchasing it.

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Yes, you are. Hey let me know when you have some valid support for your opinions instead of just trying to get attention.

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I support the effort where people are trying to get Blizzard to focus putting things in game compared to the shop.

If that is OP’s opinion then yes I support it.

Cool, you have nothing to worry about then since you can earn the transmog in the game.

That’s… not what was meant by support.

I mean, yes? That’s what the whole OP describes. I think I put in there how we’re already paying a sab fee and an expansion fee for expansion content…why are they paying people with that money to make content that we have to pay for again?

I mean I see your points and it’s YOUR opinion that you think It’s not a big deal and that’s fine. I think It’s a big deal and am willing to fight for it to be changed. It was bad enough when they started the cash shop, now It’s becoming a gross overreach into our wallets and getting to the point of just ridiculousness.

Which I truly tried to respect that effort and reply accordingly, I was actually truly impressed with everything you said until it abruptly ended with “so you’re wrong”

You can’t say how I feel the game is being ran is wrong, It’s how I feel, It’s my opinion. While I appreciate you trying to assuage my ill will towards the cash shop, you can’t convince me that I think it’s fine that it exists. I don’t like it, I never have, I never will. If Blizzard needs more money, there’s other ways to make it. They make tons of money off their gear store alone.

Which is fine, I’d be 100% fine with a cash shop if they want to either remove their sub, stop charging for expansions, or stop charging us for server trasnfers, name changes, faction swaps, etc.

The issue is they’re charging us for everything. I’d even be fine if they made the cash shop as big as all these other games people are saying have bigger worse cash shops because at that point you can choose how you want to support the game. I personally hate subscription based things, you’re being charged for a certain amount of time whether that time is utilized or not. I think cash shops are a much better option. “Hey I looked in my bank account and have more money than I thought, I love Blizzard, lemme go buy some things that I think look cool in their cash shop”

Vs. having to figure out whether WoW’s content is going to be fun enough to be even worth keeping an active subscription for, y’know?

There’s nothing on there that anyone NEEDS, but the fact that It’s there and those items aren’t available through some fun way of obtainment in game while we’re also paying a subscription just rubs me the wrong way, y’know?

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I don’t want moving goalposts like tokens. If that’s what you mean.

A static in game gold price is better thanks.

If I misunderstood my bad then.

Sorry, but you don’t make the rules Blizzard does until then you have to use your gold to buy the current wow token price. That is really a different topic.

There’s been quite a fe- oh look, someone already replied to you and said they support me and I’ve barely liked anything of his posts or agreeing quoted them to say I agree.

Meanwhile you and your hater bandwagon have been mindlessly harassing me and high fiving each other all the whole way. :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Thank you, Dalfurane. I agree and am glad you support the same ideals and goals that I have in mind.

Aw boo hoo, not everyone’s a part of your tag team of trolls.

And that’s exactly why we were trying to tell that this is a bad idea to Blizzard.

Remind me why you are bothered anyway since it’s set in stone according to your logic?

You must be smoking some weed or something. I don’t have a bandwagon and have never harassed anyone.

I got mine free and spend less on sub fees per year than people on shorter subs.

Cash-grab is happening to the people with 1-month subs regardless of whether they get anything from the shops. Unless you’re paying for the game with game gold. And if paying for the game with game gold, you can get the wings for something like 270k game gold.

And then we’re back to 6-month subs getting free stuff, game-gold payers getting everything without cash, and 1-month subbers getting cashgrabbed all over.