Store transmog and why It's a problem

You are just missing the point clearly. You think I’m using the 500k gold as the factual point when I’m not. Read my post again:

Did you miss the “What if” portion of my post? :slight_smile:

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Are you implying that your statement is hypothetical?

Imagine pretending that your only in-game expenses for gold are for store items and that “just passively over time” you’ll have enough to cover costs for all the in-game activities and now the store items as well without spending all your free time farming gold. If you can, you must be playing a different game. Maybe you’re accidentally logged onto a private server?

You’re grossly underestimating this

Congratulations, not everyone is you and wants to spend their free time farming. Many people consider that a chore and play the game to have fun.

This passive non-caring is exactly why WoW’s getting worse and adding more in-game items to the cash shop…

Imagine wasting your time arguing semantics and making it the main part of what you’re saying vs. just discussing what’s actually being talked about…It’s the reason why I stopped replying to your arguments, too. You don’t want to have an actual discussion, you want to argue and play loopity doo over things that aren’t trying to be discussed.

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Ahh yes but in your bid to be petty, you skipped right over the first one…

I’ve stopped responding to him the moment he couldn’t differentiate from the hypothetical point to the factual point.

My example was hypothetical.

But the real fact is token prices change. You cannot predict how high they will go. There’s a huge difference between a static in game price and a dynamic token price.

This is what all the “buy a token lol” argument people don’t seem to understand.

I’m not missing anything. As I clearly stated. Twice now:

And clarified with:

You made an outlandish comparison and were called out on it. Now you can’t even argue against it, because there is no argument, so you simply keep repeating the same useless comment.

They absolutely did.

And also said “what if.” And apparently outlandish “what ifs” are somehow an argument and okay, even though they have no basis in any reality.

Nope. You clearly missed the part where I stated “What if” to give an example and then stated a fact.

You’re only backtracking.

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Let’s face reality they won’t be going to 500k anytime in the near future.

Imagine thinking a person saying deliberate falsehoods as the cornerstone of his defense, shouldn’t be corrected.

It’s way better to have in game static prices than token price to justify this cash store additions. That’s what we’re talking about.

I think what we are talking about is “Blizzard is bad”.

After that, any amount of nonsensical statements or goalpost moving is acceptable to ensure that agenda is kept.

Just because you want it that way doesn’t mean there should be. You are wrong.

We absolutely can. They’ve.gone from 30k to 150k in the course of 5 years.

I already did the math for you.

Except I’m not. Hypotheticals are based off of statistical facts. You’re is just outlandish by any standard. I provided an actual hypothetical. You provided hyperbole to further your own agenda.

There’s nothing to backtrack. That doesn’t even make any sense. You’re grasping at straws as your hypothetical falls apart.

The method I suggest helps every WoW player have a genuine chance of farming gold only to a certain point without having to spend real money.

The method suggested through tokens suggests a dynamic variable which has the possibility to change in unpredictable ways which is helpful and not helpful to players.

So yeah I’m pretty sure I’m right.

There’s this tired argument that literally doesn’t make sense “blizzard should be able to do bad things to the game because they’re not as bad as other companies”

That’s as dumb as saying “Data caps from internet companies are fine, EVERY internet company is starting to do it anyway!” and pretending It’s right or okay to do. It’s done out of pure greed.

You just said though that you enjoy farming and getting transmogs…

So you don’t play the game very much at all? Or you spend most of your time getting transmogs and only a little bit farming? If you like farming so much why not spend all your time doing it?

Where did I say that?

Wrong person, nevermind. Just another troll.

Come on.

You acknowledged the problem I indicated in the token price change and it’s a fact.

There is no hypothetical in that. My argument is that tokens should NOT be used as justification for this. Why? Because they are subject to change.

So what do I suggest? Add them in game for static price. Simple logic. Helps everybody.

The value of gold changes per patch per expansion. So, no you are not correct.

It is fine if you want to help people farm gold but Blizzard has taken steps to nerf this for most players in the pre patch. Also, most players don’t even agree on the best or most enjoyable ways to make gold.

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300k gold today is different from 300k gold 5 years ago and is different from 300k 5 years from now.