Store transmog and why It's a problem


Although there’s a minor difference in that they don’t sell server transfers to my knowledge. They do, however, sell…

  • Emotes
  • Music for the in-game music tools
  • Cosmetics that alter mount appearances (ie, giving your Chocobo robes)
  • Armor dyes (from what I understand, they’re one-time use, not permanently learnable)
  • Bracelets that let you host virtual weddings
  • Mounts and pets that can either be account-wide or single-character unlocks (prices vary between $14-39)
  • Tickets that let you skip an expansion’s storyline (normally you would need to progress your character through each story in its entirety to catch up to current content)

There is literally no guessing. Shop items = content that’s being paid for by subs & monthly expansions to be made. We’re being charged for stuff we’re paying for…

Not better, I think it looks ugly. But obvious effort and time went into it. You’re also entirely missing the point. We’re being charged for stuff we’ve already paid for via monthly subs & expansion costs. Items should be made and obtained through fun in-game mean, not by throwing more money at the game purely because they’re greedy.

Imagine thinking FFIX is popular :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Final Fantasy 9 is one of the best Final Fantasy games.


Never played one, wouldn’t know. :woman_shrugging:

I loved FF9. Freya was my fave character :smile:


Again, complete speculation for your own bias.

Final Fnatasy has over 20 million registered accounts as a whole.
WoW has under 2 million subscribers.
It’s ENTIRELY possible for FFIX to have a similar amount of players.

It’s not speculation at all. They literally made in-game items into cash items. There’s nothing opinionated about that…they literally exist in the cash shop right now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Prove it :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Prove it. :rofl: :joy:

Your entire post was a complaint that shop items won’t be as good as in game gear. Which is complete speculation.

Dude. It’s called GOOGLE USE IT. :roll_eyes:

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The entire post is complaining that in-game content shouldn’t be put into the cash shop when we’re already paying monthly subs and expansion costs for these things to be made for us…It’s literally charging us a second time for stuff we’re already paying to be made… and cutting out any fun in obtaining them

It’s unlikely, but does it even matter?

Even if FF14 only has half the user base of WoW…it is the game’s only significant competitor and has openly admitted to copying the WoW gameplay format.

They have significantly more cash shop content and I actually believe this brings more people to play the game, not less.

And all of that said, WoW’s foray into the cash shop is incredibly conservative. Like, it’s not even close. There’s so few things to buy with real money on WoW (and it seems all of it can be purchased with in-game gold), that it’s not even a point of consideration.

You people are melting down about nothing.


SWTOR has been doing this since it’s peak volume as well. Subs get full access to all of the systems, but can pay for some dyes, armor sets, mounts, pets, etc. Free players have things like instance lockouts, where the can buy weekly full access in the Cartel Market. I think you would still be hard-pressed to find a game “as popular as WoW,” even with all of the haters still playing, and OP knows that, which is why that’s one of their sticking points.

You’re the one making claim, I’m not going to prove what you’re saying is right. The burden of proof lies on the person making the claim.

You know who else made in-game items into cash-shop items?

FF14. Seasonal event items, if missed, are often re-hosted on the cash shop for real money.

It’s nobody’s fault but your own that you are in capable to doing a simple google search instead of just saying “no you’re wrong” about LITERALLY everything any says to you because it goes against your bias.

Ignorance is bliss. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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It 100% made me not want to even try it, but everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. Imagine thinking that paying money for in-game content is more fun than engaging, playing, and earning that content through in game activities. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That doesn’t make it okay. That’s like saying “Well yeah, murderers are bad…BUT HAVE YOU SEEN HITLER?! They’re nowhere near as bad as him!”

Blizzard has literally stopped releasing their sub count YEARS ago…you’re literally making stuff up… :roll_eyes:

I got nothing for you but “cry more” I guess. Objective analysis doesn’t seem to be helping. I also find it laughable you’re comparing buying some clothes in a game to murder.

Buying clothes in a game is not inherently bad. You perceive it as bad. Murder however is literally bad.


Blizzard doesn’t release their numbers but there are multiple other companies that pull that data and share it.
The estimate is around 2 million.
Sorry if that doesn’t fit your narrative. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Of course you don’t. You can’t have an actual discussion, so you insult. :roll_eyes:

Being charged for in-game content we’re already paying for is bad. It’s greedy. It’s un-fun. Nobody enjoys spending money vs. having fun playing the game and earning fun rewards.

Yeah, I’ve seen companies pull data and share that subs were 13 million, so who’s right? Your sources or mine? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well, I did until you compared Blizzard to criminals because they wanted to incentivize a subscription model with some in-game clothes.

That’s not even hyperbole, it’s just lies.

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Oh… but I thought you said being able to pull those numbers was complete bs cause blizzard doesn’t post them?

So which is it?

The MOST RECENT 2020 article I can find for assort leaks is 1.7-3.4 mill.