Store transmog and why It's a problem

I mean, it’s ugly. I wonder how many people are downvoting it because it’s ugly.

Remember when TLOU2 got review bombed because people were bigots? When that was totally representative of the game’s merits?

oh wait

My gold will pay for it, it’s not a cash transfer from my pocket to them HOWEVER even if i didn’t have the cash to spend i still wouldn’t care because i WANT it so i would be fine with dropping a tiny amount of cash for the items i want.

I am already doing this through playing the game to get the gold for tokens.

This is not a thing. This is hysterics.

You can. Play the game, make gold, buy tokens, get “cash shop” stuff…profit.

You are entitled to your opinion, i disagree and i think it’s great whether i can get it with tokens OR if i had to pay for something i wanted. In this case i get the choice which i also like.

First, fun is subjective. Second i don’t grind for gold. Third you said you want to earn it from “in-game through engaing and fun means” which you can do as you do those things you find fun and get your gold via those fun things. You won’t get immediate gratification but you will get it. It might take a couple of years but you will get there, kind of like going after some of those hard to get mounts and tranmog items in raids.

Are you implying that the fee hasn’t gone up? That inflation doesn’t exist in the real world? That your fiat currency isn’t worth less in the real world that it was 16 years ago? That Blizzard’s expenses haven’t gone up over that time frame?

No i live in the real world, not in conspiracy land where there are evil mustache twisting individuals trying to steal my $15 or $20 dollars all while i have the choice to either buy it or play in game to get it.

Feel free too. I have no problem with people claiming greed. I think the obvious answer and reality is that Blizzard makes products people want or we wouldn’t be having this discussion in the first place. They then give you the choice to buy it with cash from your pocket or via tokens from playing the game. That you don’t like that doesn’t make them greedy, it makes them brilliant (because they are smart enough to offer multiple ways to get it in-game and out) producers of a product you clearly want but don’t want to acquire it via the routes they have laid out for you. That is your choice. It is also your choice to call them “greedy” regardless of the fact that they are company that exists to produce products people want (and have proven they want over time and here in this thread) that people will spend money on to get.

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Yes you’re right it is ugly. However, you could probably get a pretty quick idea from reading the top comments.

Lol, yeah.

Next I guess we should let Twitter decide the election.

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You literally told me to stop complaining multiple times. That’s attempting to suppress my opinion. Calling my opinion stupid, that’s attempting to suppress my opinion.

Many people don’t, there’s going to be a million things in the world that you could care less about that other people do. The fact that you don’t care that much about WoW is fine. For a lot of people, we do care about it. We’ve been playing for a long time.

Not necessarily, but continuously trying to get me to change my opinion with completely irrelevant arguments is a complete waste of time. You’re not going to change my opinion no matter what, and continuing to criticize and belittle me isn’t helping your case in the slightest.

Yes, I have an issue with people trying to change my opinion and getting mad that they can’t.

You don’t agree with me, that’s fine. You can’t argue with me and force me to change my opinion.

I agree, stop trying to change my opinion.

It’s not how cool or rare this one is, It’s about the precedent of putting transmog in the cash shop its setting. I don’t find it okay, I don’t like the idea, that’s my opinion and you’re not going to change it no matter how much you argue.

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Gosh the only reason its on the store is because people would cry that they want it but dont want to sub 6 month for it to come free …You’re saying the 6 month promo should be acquirable in game ?? LoL Guess you dont know what a “promo” is meant for if that’s what you’re asking.

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Except this isn’t setting a precedent, my dude.

If you really want to complain about setting a precedent on a monetized transmog set, then please for the love of god stop talking about this one and complain about the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler which was a paid item.

You should then go further into the CE only mounts, pets, etc.

But you won’t.

Don’t like anyone disagreeing with you? Might want to avoid a public forum. That isn’t an attempt to suppress. That is a suggestion. I haven’t been trying to suppress anyone this entire time.

Do I think this anger is stupid? Yes. Do I feel that it is a pointless thing to complain about? Yes. But that is my opinion. And I’m okay with voicing that and having people disagree with me.

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Yes, I can agree with this…go on?

So…you’re trying to tell me that if you’re upset with a decision made in the game…if you don’t go to the forums and post about how you’re upset your opinion isn’t valid or real…? Like, what? You are literally insane.

That It’s okay to charge your fan base money for transmog items that should be obtainable through fun engaging in-game methods…I’m going to stop replying to you if you’re going to circle argument just to troll.

Oh, don’t use logic or reasoning. People here will argue that, that’s somehow not a valid way to measure people’s dislike.

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Dangit. I can’t wear that transmog, and the fairy transmog, and be on my fey dragon, and my emberwyrm at the same time.

I need more bodies.

You do know people can have multiple accounts and mass dislike things on youtube…So truly do we really know if 0 of those dislikes aren’t people with repeated accounts disliking…and yea same goes for liking…it’s that easy to mass dislike/like a video on youtube. Just pointing this out here.

How is it setting a precedent for this, when they’ve been doing it for 10 years?

Please consult a dictionary.

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It’s funny because not only did the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler come as a paid-only item, it came with IN-GAME activities (quest) to obtain it.

That was a precedent for actual gameplay. But no, we’re focusing on this stupid fairy suit.

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What’s more likely is a streamer said “quick, everyone go downvote” meanwhile most people that like it aren’t going to go bother.

Yea, you have to throw a certain amount of logic out the window in order to engage in a conversation with Yes Men who have already made up their mind and loyalty to a game company to the end.

The real test is going to be seeing how many people actually use this in the game.

If I see a bunch of people wearing it…then obviously people bought it.

I said it before: It’s different because she wants it and absolutely nothing in this thread has convinced me otherwise. In fact, I am even more certain than ever.


The worst part of the new transmog set is all the complaining over a optional cosmetic.

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I’m gonna go with “it looks like trash.” But that’s me.