Store Mounts are the Best Mounts

Mine cost almost $1000. I bought my tokens when they only gave like 114k. :confused:


Which ones are these?

Rubber chicken:

Flying caterpillar (Looks like one with it’s wings folded:

Also don’t care about puppies, housecats, two headed vultures, etc.

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aww you remembered I like the kitteh pics, which reminds me my sister hasn’t sent me any pics of her cat in a while… :thinking: I’m gonna text her right now.

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No, the in-game mounts are better.

:rofl: Cannot unsee. You’ve ruined it for me.

…or have you made it that much better?

Awww, I forgot about that guy. I’ve had him for a long time and I hardly ever use him. He is kinda fuzzy like a caterpillar.