Store fox mount

This might sound like a broken record at this point… but you can earn these 13 cool store mounts in game, with gold.

In fact, I believe it’s less gold than the frogs that came out, right now.

But if you’re a die hard believer that nobody should spend money at all, and you’re boycotting the store entirely (even with gold) because tokens are the devil… Well there are still like 387+ more mounts in game that aren’t on the shop.

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How I spend my money is none of your concern.

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You’re still arguing about nonsense. You can play the game, grind hard to make whatever gold it takes to buy 2 tokens and convert to blizz-bucks and buy the mount.

You can get this mount just by playing the game. What part of this don’t you understand??

You can also earn a lot of different cool mounts by just playing the game. Look up warcraftmounts and see them all.

I’ll probably buy the other 2 store mounts I don’t have when I get closer to 350 - just to get the achievement done. I spend waaaay more money in Vegas twice a year (I tip more than the cost of one mount). So spending money for gaming is just one of my hobbies. /shrug

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Nope while it does look nice I won’t give Blizz any more of my money until they have rectified the problems that they have currently

It doesn’t matter if you spend bnet tokens/gold or buy it straight from the shop. Buying these overpriced misuses of resources only encourages Activision to continue with the trend of ever increasing micro transactions. Activision is ruining this game, and clearly is only in it for making the maximum amount of profit possible. Unfortunately, and endless sea of morons exist out there that pay $0.99 a hundred times a month in a phone game, so they’re tilting their resources toward that market. It’s a disgusting perversion of the original vision blizzard had for the game.

And why can’t you people understand that using “gold” to buy the mount is just creating the market that keeps people paying for gold, thus giving more and more money to Activision. You’re right, you didn’t spend $25 on the mount, someone else spent $40 on it for you.


It clearly effected the game, so it is a concern; given how Alliance were just given horses in game.

I cannot buy any shop mount within the game for gold. I would have to purchase tokens to convert to their form of currency, which in this market is as good as a $, then use that currency to purchase a shop mount. Which, is even advertised as $25. It costs $ to purchase bnet balance, so bnet balance is as good as $.

$32 CAD is far too much for any mount, no matter how cute and awesome it is.

Currency you bought with via buying it off of the AH with gold. Which equates to pretty much getting the shop mount with only gold.

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If that were true, it would be in the game for gold. It is not. Therefore it does not equate to getting the shop mount with only gold, because other currencies are required to be exchanged to get said mount.

Preach. It’s sad to see players giving Blizzard more money when the expansion is in such a horrible place.

Currencies you bought off the AH with gold. Unless for some reason you decided to buy a token with money, sell it for gold, then use that gold to buy a token off the ah and use that in the course of getting a mount

You’re literally making no sense at this point and going in circles.

It’s almost like investing in World of Warcraft and making it profitable makes Blizzard invest in World of Warcraft to make more profit!
Who’da thunk that?!

Why are you people incapable of understanding that you buying tokens with gold is promoting the microtransaction/pay-to-win market that blizzard uses to make more money without concern for its effect on the game?

Sadly it kind of is. People being fine with buying broken and incomplete products are one of the major reasons why the industry is in such a sorry state. Not to say that this is anyway similar but the best example of this is fallout 76.

Now blizzards cash shop is in no way comparable to that but the culture of buying pre orders and accepting in game purchases directly related to how poorly that franchise became.

Your bad spending habits sadly do negatively affect the game. While I have no right what so ever to tell you how to spend your own money. I believe I do have the right to take concern with what your encouraging.


Technically you have the right to tell him what to spend his money on, just no right to force him to do so.

Because look at that Blue Fox mount! Aww man it has a cool jumping animation and /mountspecial! Ahmahgoodness!

It’s really disgusting. Heroes just went under. Diablo went under after Blizzcon. Wondering when it’s going to be WoWs turn.

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Which, is not the case at all; given their goals were to cut costs where they could this year and make more money. Plus the quality of the expansion went down, not up.

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I don’t have it yet because it’s christmas time and i’m broke cash wise and gold wise after spending 999k on Frogs using gold to buy the dreadwake . Blizzcon , and the Meat wagon i’m pretty much broke. I do plan to get it next payday though.

As for the screeching troglodytes tearing at their clothes and screaming pointlessly into the void.

I’m a mount collector i have 451 mounts.

There are 13 store mounts of which i have 12.


Also going to point out that the store mounts are probably crapped out by underpaid interns that have nothing to do with actual content creation.

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