Are you now $25 poorer? I just had to have it. I have a thalassian prowler too, I must have every fox…
People like you are why WoW is in its current state.
Once I saw it’s /mountspecial I had to have it too
Least they won’t be able to follow us into classic until blizzard reneges on that.
that mount special is simply adorable
Lol could you explain this reasoning pls?
And I don’t want to. By all means go and run MC for the rest of eternity .
I don’t really think there is a need. What has been said about a cash shop being in a game that you pay for each expansion as well as a subscription fee has been said.
You are encouraging predatory business practices and you encourage the game being split apart for no ones benefit beyond blizzards profits.
Nice accusations, where’s proofs that I encourage all that?
I bought the mount so that I could enjoy it. So that I could do things like this.

You are encouraging predatory business practices and you encourage the game being split apart for no ones benefit beyond blizzards profits.
This is just some ridiculous claim lol.

This is just some ridiculous claim lol.
In what way exactly? We buy each expansion, we pay a monthly sub. What purpose does a cash shop have to offer but taking out parts of the game and selling them?
It is them triple dipping on profits.
@Talbyy How’d u get saparated from the mount mid air?
It really is a nice mount. a little feminine but works perfect for my female toons. what else do we have to spend our virtual money on?
I’ve already feel to that boat crap that doesn’t float.
I won’t give Blizz more money till they realize what they are doing to the game.
But I don’t blame ppl that are still having fun and bought this mount.
If it was available through a quest or achievement I’d do that to get it but it’s only sold in a store and I really wanted it. I guess you could see it as predatory putting such gorgeous mount in store only, but there’s no other way for me to get it so I paid $25.

In what way exactly? We buy each expansion, we pay a monthly sub. What purpose does a cash shop have to offer but taking out parts of the game and selling them?
It is them triple dipping on profits.
Jesus. More of your blathering? Lol, they have removed nothing from the game. They created a new mount that has zero effect on gameplay, (stats, buffs, nerfs… etc,) and made it available for direct sale as opposed to locking it behind a quest chain or an achievement of some kind.
Methinks you’re likely an elitist who really likes and wants this mount but cannot stand the idea of Joe Schmoe being able to ride around on it too. (I imagine that is a serious nerf on your ePeen fix… /eyeroll)
As far as sub fees? If you want f2p garbage, please feel free to move over to games like SWtoR. Tell me how that works out for you. In the meantime… see’ya.

Jesus. More of your blathering? Lol, they have removed nothing from the game. They created a new mount that has zero effect on gameplay, (stats, buffs, nerfs… etc,) and made it available for direct sale as opposed to locking it behind a quest chain or an achievement of some kind.
Methinks you’re likely an elitist who really likes and wants this mount but cannot stand the idea of Joe Schmoe being able to ride around on it too. (I imagine that is a serious nerf on your ePeen fix… /eyeroll)
As far as sub fees? If you want f2p garbage, please feel free to move over to games like SWtoR. Tell me how that works out for you. In the meantime… see’ya.
I could say a lot about this. Instead though I will remain silent and let your own words damn you.

I could say a lot about this. Instead though I will remain silent and let your own words damn you.
Color me relieved!
/eyeroll (x2)
I really love this mount!
I have a feeling I will be purchasing more than one - we have our guild Christmas party soon and I always offer one store purchase as a gift. - I am guessing the person will want this mount.
Thats ridiculous. Everyone with this view are wrapped too tight. They are the same grumpy lot who see conspiracy in everything or read into even the simplest of things way to deeply. Finally its the ultimate irony and always has been…people that incessantly rip the game they are so deeply involved with. The fact is thats more disturbing of a psychological problem than some one just innocently plunking down their own money for a mount. But having this disgust or disdain for the developer of the game you cant stop following on social media keep returning to the forums watch videos on …still play it. That is very irrational behavior. But yeah the random player buying a mount for cash yeah they are the problem. Lol.

Thats ridiculous. Everyone with this view are wrapped too tight. They are the same grumpy lot who see conspiracy in everything or read into even the simplest of things way to deeply. Finally its the ultimate irony and always has been…people that incessantly rip the game they are so deeply involved with. The fact is thats more disturbing of a psychological problem than some one just innocently plunking down their own money for a mount. But having this disgust or disdain for the developer of the game you cant stop following on social media keep returning to the forums watch videos on …still play it. That is very irrational behavior. But yeah the random player buying a mount for cash yeah they are the problem. Lol.
Do you find that a lot of people who disagree with you or hold opinions you dislike suffer psychological problems?