Basically most the inflation occurs because bots farm grey items to vendor. Whether its BT, BRD, ZG, Mara etc, having a daily cap on the vendors from what they spend would not only hamper the bots severely, it would fit more in line with the reality of the world.
Not sure where the magic number is, but if you could only get lets say 25g combined from all Vendors a day, probably won’t affect the majority of the player base except in times of leveling or good luck on drops.
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There are plenty of items that easily go above that in WotLK. Enough to the point where I’d argue it probably would affect the majority of the playerbase.
Yeah like 500g minimum would be the starting point. Probably higher
I haven’t sold 25g worth of items to a vendor in a long time.
Unless I’m getting multiple BoP greeds in a heroic, I’m vendoring maybe 1-2g from each dungeon.
Feels a bit high to me, tbh.
Well in that case I guess no one else has either……
If you haven’t sold more the 25g worth of stuff to a vender in a long time it makes me think you don’t even play the game…. That’s like a couple green items.
Quest rewards and dailies.
Boss gold drops.
25g is only 2 quests if are taking the expensive 2h option as a quest reward…
Yes, times of leveling would need to be addressed differently. Or maybe those quest give more gold and the items sell for far less.
That would be outside of the scope of anything blizzard could hope to accomplish with this game.
They don’t even want to hire the manpower/gms to battle bots correctly, no shot they redesign all the thousands of quest rewards.
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Most things are unfortunately.
Or we could just forget this dumb idea was ever thought of.
Sounds like someone who benefits from selling lots of vendor items.
Sounds more like calling a dumb idea a dumb idea.
And that would screw over every other real player that farms old raid trash and stuff for gold. Some of us dont want to give blizzard money for a wow token for gold.
This is true but I wonder how many real players farm gold strictly off vendor sales.
Can we not further destroy gold farming for legit players?
While I get that your proposal comes from a place of wanting to curb the bot issue (and it is a huge issue), It feels a lot like a kneejerk reaction and not a solution. If you cap gold from vendors bots, probably, just create more bots to bypass that restriction. The issue with creating rules for things like bots is that they do not care and will work around them, there’s a very real point where letting our fear/dislike of bots is going to start having a more adverse effect on the player base and be only a minor hurdle for bots to overcome. Cheaters/bots don’t care about rules to being with.
Example being the “no boosting” changes. Bots are still just noclipping through the world and profiting. Meanwhile friends are now prevented from helping each other in a game with a very sparse old world leveling population for grouping.
I don’t buy gold, do my 25 dailies, don’t GDKP, and farm old content for fun/gold. This has allowed me to get most patterns/mats I need for myself and my guild within the first week of a new phase.
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Again though, how many real players farm this way?
Quite a few people on my realm do. We chit chat and ironically get the Stratholme general chat going sometimes. These are only the people I know that do it but I would imagine there are more than that overall.
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I do see it has some legitness to it but currently there’s only 4 level 80s in Stratholme on Faerlina right now.
Black Temple has 31 Rogues in it for comparison. Raw gold farms inflate the economy. Trying to make those type of farms unattractive for bots is where I’m trying to get.
Not just old raid trash and stuff.
One fishing daily and you’re already over cap and only get 25% of its value.
Every skinner farming leather would lose all the trash drops. Every player chaining dungeons would get nothing after the first.
Literally every player that actually plays would be better off logging out after their 25g limit… so play for like an hour and quit.
Op is clearly someone that doesn’t actually play.
The real way to kill bots is full scorched earth and a buy in.
No more “game is free with a sub”.
Bans are Bnet account wide for buyers, sellers, and bots.
If you RMT/Bot your entire Bnet gets deleted. Goodbye Diablo, starcraft, OW, EVERYTHING. Punishment should hurt. Not “hey guys I’m [random excuse here] so I won’t be on for a week” and they do something else until the ban lifts. NUKE THEM FROM ORBIT… I’d even be game to have all actioned Bnet names put on the forums in a callout list straight from blizzard.
Burn em to the ground and let everyone know who cheats.