Stop Whining About Druids – They're not the problem. YOU ARE

War Pal isn’t unkillable unless you’re an absolute subhuman. Mage takes Imp Counterspell which is a BLANKET 4 second silence. If you can’t kill a warrior in 4 seconds with another class helping you, the skill issue is on your end. Also, talking like a duo comp is relevant when the only end-game PvP to discuss is 1v1, where warriors suck most of their match-ups being straight up losing, or 10v10/15v15 premades where you bring 1-2 warriors (2 is preferable on horde with windfury support) and have to support them doing exactly ONE thing, putting MS on priority targets.

You know what a mage does in a premade? Polymorph, roots, slows, imp cs, engi tools (helm nades net mc-cap etc), solid back-up fc, damage provider. Mage who btw, is one of the most broken classes far and away in every facet of vanilla wow. Frost mage literally auto-wins vs any melee spec you can name PURELY off frostbite RNG. The mage could be literally drooling on his keyboard and win the duel vs any melee (including rogue) if they just RNG hard enough. That’s BEFORE talking about the mage being remotely competent.

Stop showing your ignorance dude. It’s a bad look but it’s not like your reputation matters since you hide behind your alt on the forums.

Also, imagine trying to play the warrior scales card when discussing PvP. Our best weapon for 99% of vanilla wow is BRE. A weapon that drops off the last boss in the FIRST RAID. We have the same damage with a minor increase in crit consistency until Naxx loot. But you don’t know about any of that because you’re uninformed.

Because Charge / intercept/ Sheen of Zanza / Iron Grenade clearly does not exist



You know what a premade does? Bring support that have a functioning brain that can dispel. They also bring consumables to render such CC useless because they have a functioning brain.

Fixed this for you

Speak for yourself level 85 brown.

Level 85 Brown Clown, it rhymes. Dumb and Ignorant comments. At this stage you might as well say Might of Menethil does not drop off naxx. Anything else?

NJ showing your brain damage. Quoting out of context is some low IQ :poop: .

You can’t refute anything I said because you’re uneducated and have no clue what you’re talking about. Just butt out of pvp conversations knuckle-dragger.
SoD boomie is broken in PvE and PvP and has been for months.

I’m sorry that this is the only time you’ve been successful in wow. But you’ll learn how to play sometime in the next 20 years, surely. Surely 20 more years of wow will help you finally learn.

Why would I bother refuting someone who is incapable of using his brain?

Please tell me where the boomie touched you, you nitwit. For your sake I hope you queue into a battleground of 20 boomkins for the next 100 matches so you can learn how to play.

It’s definitely going to take longer than that for you to be even competent at the game.

You’re hiding behind an alt on a video game forum because your ego can’t handle people knowing how awful you are at the video game. Everyone knows immediately that you’re one of the worst players to ever play the game.

You literally don’t know anything about pvp, as evidenced by the complete lack of an actual argument and just pathetic name-calling and vitriol out of the gate.

Also, I’ve been R14 since AQ opened. So I don’t have to deal with broken boomie or tank shaman anymore since blizzard won’t balance their pvp.

You are posting on a level 85 human female warrior you half-witted hypocrite.

Really? I’m not the one crying for nerfs because I got absolutely wrecked due to my lack of skill :clown_face:

Do you need some kleenex? :roll_of_toilet_paper:

Can’t switch characters. This has been my main warrior since 2019, gone through a few server xfers due to servers dying as well as a faction change for cata but it’s the same one I’ve been playing since day 1 of classic. My logs are public, I’m not hiding anything.

Also, imagine thinking boomie vs war in BG takes any amount of skill in SoD. Boomie straight up pops starfall + lip/fap and then spams starsurge to fish for stun to line up starfire that can crit for 4k. Even worse now with burrow trinket lmao. I’m glad I don’t have to fight this garbage.

please don’t give me that crap. Really? Do you assume everyone is 5 years old? We are not all your age you know.

Imagine thinking warrior is balanced around 1v1 as a killing machine.

It is your own incompetence you can’t counter that.

Are we going to nerf warlocks because their Dot damage is too high?
Are we going to nerf rogues because stealth SAP OP?
Are we going to nerf mages because they have AOE CC?
Are we going to nerf paladins because they have 10~ seconds of invulnerability?

You sound really stupid and incompetent when you say these things.

Lock’s drain life rune isn’t affected by mortal strike. So that’s pretty funny when tank lock is full on unkillable by warrior.
We’re complaining about stealth and sap? Are you 5? What about 0 positional backstab?
Mage? They spam ice lance like it’s TBC, if you don’t have trinket up you die from 100% in a deep freeze lmao. Atleast they’re not worse than warrior anymore, happy for them, kinda. They’re still not as broken as tank sham or boomie btw.
Pala? They wear like 90% pve gear. Walk away from them for 10 seconds and then delete them from existence. JFC you are trash.

Imagine thinking pvp is balanced around 1v1, you fool.


So you are again blaming others for playing their class? Do you want Blizzard to remove ice lance? How about frost nova? You know what? You might as well ask Blizzard to have Mortal Strike disable Hearthstones because you are so bad at the game you need the handicap.

Denial is the first stage of grief. It might take you 20 years, but I’m sure you will outgrow this phase eventually. If it were up to me, I would reset your rank 14 warrior rank so you can properly learn to pvp again and again until you get it right. You deserve that much.

Why don’t you explain how warrior beats rogue in SoD, I’d love to hear your foolproof strategy that doesn’t involve you getting absolutely dog-walked by a rogue pressing evasion and smashing backstab in your face till you die. Because that’s pretty much how that match-up actually plays out. You full on lose the dps race so they don’t even try to use their kit against you, it’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Where did I say they should remove Ice Lance? They’re like, the least broken of the good classes. It’s actually the most interesting match-up, that doesn’t make killing in a deep freeze stun balanced but atleast it’s not what tank sham or boomie are.

You’re mentally handicapped. Stop trying to perform these leaps of logic putting words in mouth. You don’t have legs to jump with.

And the reason I keep talking about 1v1, is because trying to discuss anything in the context of unorganized BG’s is an exercise in insanity. I’m pretty good, Perplexity is significantly better than me and basically anyone else to ever play vanilla wow, and not even he can possibly predict and control every variable.

I would, but I don’t have time to school kindergarten children with developing IQ.

Literally complained about it a post or two ago you two-faced, dimwitted hypocrite.

Is that how you feel when you play a warrior? I would if I had your level of skill

You are an absolute buffoon. Literally forcing the angle on 1v1 vanilla wow when such said angle and such said logic does not exist.

I play a warrior not a shaman you half wit lol

This thread is full of people who think they are smarter than every1 else,
Dumb smart people,
Just dumb people,
And trolls.
A average day on the wow forums. Lol

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just a very lackluster group of warrior players can turn a druid post into a warrior whinning post.


Can you even post on a SOD warrior toon? You seem to be trolling.

OP’s post sounds like it was written by AI tbh. Couldn’t even come up with their own unhinged vitriol, had to use ChatGPT to make it for them. Disregard thread and move along everyone.

FoTM riding is unreal from the Druids, Shamans and Hunters.

I’m trolling? Why don’t you post on a max level character from any game version? I finished rank 11->13 and 13->14 against the sweatiest horde premades from crusader strike (aka, I played the game and queued games at the start of the week every reset until I capped, I didn’t have the option to wait for them to finish grinding and then try to grind mine). I didn’t get to fight a bunch of bads in 0 gear who give up when you stop their one combo that they know how to do.

Geared rogue at that time quite literally opens cs->ks and then just mashed backstab+ambush into you and there was ABSOLUTELY nothing you could do about it outside of pray for rng from dmc torment. That’s it. That’s not counterplay. That’s not skill. That’s not good design. They have t2 gloves, you cannot disarm them (assuming it would’ve hit in the first place). You’re perma slowed, so you cannot get distance for charge/intercept. You can fear but they auto-trinket it because you can’t do anything else. You’re basically pressing overpower every few seconds and watching them chunk through your health pool.

Nah I agree anyone not posting on a sod toon is a troll