Stop Whining About Druids – They're not the problem. YOU ARE

You conveniently ignored “Balance druid is the #1 DPS spec in every single percentile on warcraftlogs outside of max” meaning Balance is # 1 in the trash percentiles, and 99%, where people actually understand what they are doing. Enjoy the nerf.

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It’s naxx . You can’t even type properly, and you expect us to believe your wolve’s tears on how OP balance druids are?

So you are saying balance druids are #1 dps phase 1
So you are saying balance druids are #1 dps phase 2
So you are saying balance druids are #1 dps phase 3
So you are saying balance druids are #1 dps phase 4
So you are saying balance druids are #1 dps phase 5
So you are saying balance druids are #1 dps phase 6 and beyond?

This is the biggest copium i have seen in a decade.

You can look at the logs combined with the outcome of a battle or raid to differentiate clearly if people know what they are doing. You clearly don’t, or you would be using a portion of your IQ to play the game well instead of asking for nerfs just because you can’t compete on a fair level of skill.

LMAO I’m dying here over how dumb you are. I’m talking about percentiles for P6. Don’t reply to me again until you get your IQ over 20. Stop talking about logs when you don’t even understand how they work :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Really? Because i’m already ded looking at your brainless and empty-headed replies :skull:

If only your logs were higher then that number. Show Warcraft logs. :skull:

Dang, you’re not even going to attempt to refute anything I said? Thanks for handing me this win. I’m screenshotting this and adding it to my trophy collection. Get absolutely rekt kid.

Copium is really addicting, isn’t it? But you can’t run away from skill issues forever. Just like how you can’t run away from those grey parses. :skull:

bro you probably think grey parse is referring to genn greymane like you thought “max” was naxxrammas lmfao @ you dude :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: keep replying because me and my buds in the 100 percentile discord are having a good laugh at your tantrum

You ok bud? I wouldn’t be if I had grey parses. :skull:

tell me more about how bfd and gnomer were your favorite percentiles my dude :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I would, but I despise retail mana addicts. :skull:

This thread turned into some wild cope. lmao. Everyone gets big mad when warriors are on top in pve only but real quick to defend their broken specs while they dominate every facet of the game.

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Your 10 page copium novel isnt going to make the servers full again. Players have had enough. Any time i login to Sod theres 1-2 layers. Log into classic and theres 9-10. Bad gameplay is just that, bad gameplay. Your main point of your argument is that someone’s mentality about pure damage vs hyrbid classes is the wrong mentality to have. In what world does this make sense lol. You can stand on a ledge and nuke me to death and I have to find a path up and i hit for 1/5 of the damage. Yeah seems fair to me… enjoy your ghosttown sod server.

Vanilla sucks.

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You warriors have been top of the game all of vanilla in BOTH pve and pvp, and now when the game requires you to actually play the game you come crying like an infant. Why am I not surprised?

Yes because clearly your -5000 iq rant will

Your Anniversary realms will die off quicker than SOD. Don’t worry.

From a bad player like you, yes.

Are you incapable of logical thinking? In his post, the OP clearly addressed that no one spec can both heal, tank, and DPS with full efficiency at one point in time. The closest you can get to is shamans, but even they have to sacrifice certain key utility to perform well in one or two roles.

Seems fair to me. If you’re not popping consumables as a shaman and you dont know what the hell is tank specialization or Ele mastery, you do deserved to get mowed through like a paper clown. Imagine complaining about PVP as a shaman, big yikes.

The guy below might be ignorant about druids and how the game & class functions but he’s right about one thing, juju and warrior friends:

??? Top of PvE and PvP? Are you okay?

Rogue and Mage are the kings of PvP, lock is very strong in both group and solo play with one of the most broken solo builds in the game period.

What makes you think warrior is king in PvP? We’re pretty good, we fill our role of doing damage on priority targets and actually killing them, provided we have support handling the set-up and keeping us on target. Our 1v1 isn’t great, not terrible during like BWL/ZG/R14 level gear. But we fall further and further behind the already insane classes as gear progresses beyond that point and a lot of the specs that suffer early catch up to us or surpass us.

We’re the best RAID PvE class with full buffs, raiding takes up like 1-2% of your character’s total play time. If being the best at one very specific thing is a problem for you, then I need you to keep this same energy for the other broken specs from vanilla, and for SoD balance druid being absolutely broken in PvE and PvP. Otherwise you’re just a hypocrite, and a moron.

This is a SoD post. You’re talking about Era

At least I hope you are, because Rogue/Mage aren’t even close to being kings of PvP, actually near the opposite in SoD

Did you read the post I replied to? I’d recommend it.

Uhhh yep, you responded to a conversation about SoD, as this is a SoD thread. Did you mean you specify Vanilla when you talked about Rogues and Mages?

If you’re going to speak on unrelated topics, it’s important to be specific, other wise people will assume your topic is the thread topic.

If you want to make it easier to for others to see what you are talking about, do what the person that responded to you did, like this:

Then if I respond here, it’s clear that I’m disagreeing with a point, and which specific point.

Also it won’t look like you’re just yelling at clouds

Well I replied directly to the level 10 lock alt saying “You warriors have been top of the game all of vanilla in BOTH pve and pvp, and now when the game requires you to actually play the game you come crying like an infant. Why am I not surprised?”

So that’s why the post are vanilla-related.
Seem’s like a bug on blizzard’s end that it’s for some reason not counting as a reply?

Also, I think it’d be pretty obvious I’m not talking about SoD when I mention anything about warrior being good considering we’re one of the worst PvP classes thanks to arms being totally unsupported by the devs, and we’re middle of the pack currently in AQ with not much hope of going higher.

You blistering half-witted, absolute clown of a FOOL.

The fact that you tell me warriors fall off scaling hard in vanilla tells me all i need to know about your skill. There is a reason why Holy Paladins + warriors were a unkillable comp back in vanilla. What an absolute troll running your mouth. Warriors are one of the best scaling classes late into naxx, and most shot-callers in BGS played this class for a reason.

So now that a certain hybrid class can perform well in one role, you want to nerf them to the ground because of your personal skill issues? Get out.