Stop Whining About Druids – They're not the problem. YOU ARE

Laughed a lot, holy wrath cost like half of our mana and hits like a non buffed exo.

T3 for ret is garbage compared to t1, t2, t2.5.

More likely call you out on your :poop: arguments, tear you a new one and the cluelessness you still have as a boomie onetrickpony.

Even sustained DPS Wrath hits harder than autos, like stop trolling. Druids have hybrid chances and those scale well unlike Warriors or physical DPS in PvP gear where 60% is already gone due to boomie/bear armor and even further in the PvP damage reduction.
Boomies, Elementals and Hunters have magic damage at their disposal and can ignore anyone’s armor and still blast. That is from either instant casts or at best 1-1.5s casts.

Mages are actually more balanced on their hardcasts than those 3 mentioned and even icelance is more balanced thanks to the RNG aspect of getting a FoF proc.

What a load of :poop:. Boomies can heal for more than Rets (also partially hybrid) and deal more damage than mages whilst being tanky and going the normal boomkin pvp build. Shamans also do the same but have different abilities and some abilities which are almost the same as boomkins.

No, it’s the fact of having 2 win conditions which cannot be shut down by melee at the same time and having the hybrid benefits of being tanky and have well scaling healing abilities. Whilst doing equal damage as an elemental shaman or hunter.
Hunter btw doesn’t have either but have a large HP pool.

More likely they have enough damage to survive melee damage AND outheal it, + CC chances as a tauren or on a Starsurge proc. Let’s not pretend that their window of damage is just limited to Starfall, because it isn’t just limited to that. You get stunned by RNG or a Warstomp is an easy free cast of Starfire on 1-1.5s timer.

Basically “it’s not my class that is OP, but everything else”.
Classic FoTSeason argument that doesn’t work well, get off your broken class and say that again in a BG or wPvP.
You can use a FAP against all common stuns, ask priests for FW, trinket the stuns that your FAP didn’t get or any other CC you wish to remove so you get to use Starfall freely.
Literal clown argument, even if you were to change that you would still die to either RNG stuns into Starfire/Starfall/Moonfire+Sunfire.

Basically your post literally highlights howmuch of a slave you are to the meta and believe balance druids are easy to counter when they can also raid AQ40 despite having everything else, flask, FAP, LIP, Fearward etc. for a trinket they makes them immune for a short period of time. And judging from the whitemane bots that are clueless and just use the same account and give your post likes it is just one person trying to make your post popular off that.

You want to fix PvP or PvE? Remove DoT crits, nerf the top performers in PvP and PvE, disable tank runes in PvP and decrease the damage reduction so melee players get to play the game without getting a middle finger from casters each game in PvP and have such an overwhelming advantage in PvE.


Oh look, here comes the ignorant-opinionated troll. Come for another beating?

Yes because white autos have a cast time :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

The fact you don’t know what sunder armor is tells me all I need to know about your ability to think critically. :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

So you are telling me in a co-ordinated pvp scenario you can’t put pressure on ranged? :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Because POM Pyro or ice lance clearly requires a hard cast 100% of the time :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Take my advice. People speak words from their mouth, not excrement. What makes you think boomies can both heal and dps while in boomkin form?

Mages have blink and ice block. Paladins have bubble. Complete 100% damage mitigation against a 15 man burst. What do druids get? Frenzied regen and Barkskin with no 100% damage immunity? :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

What a load of BS. So you are saying Mortal Strike cannot shut down heal heavy comps, sunder armor is useless against high armor targets and you are saying a boomkin, who has to shift out of form to heal can do both healing and dps at the same time? You might as well ask to have a 1000% increase in dps for the warrior and ret you play because you are bad at the game :wheelchair: :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Clearly, warriors do not have an AOE fear, a stun, or a slow effect with zero cooldown , anythig else, chump? :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Yes, blaming others for being good at the game will make you a better player :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

So let me get this straight, you can’t stand the fact that there are people who might have a different opinion then you, and you are throwing a tantrum fit?

Ever tried applying to SNL? You’re a heck of a joke :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

You must probably be the guy who cries for nerf everytime you cannot beat another class.

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And yet none of it logically address my argument in anyway. This is precisely why people like you need to be called out and shut down.

Thanks for including my thread in your -10 IQ rant, Moonfurion! It’s physically impossible for other classes to out DPS balance druids in PVE. This isn’t a skill issue.

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Just because one class happens to be at the top of the meters at one point of time in one phase dosen’t mean all other classes are trash. What are you, 5?

Your post is liked by the same person on seperate occasions, my post is liked by actual people. What an actual loser on a FoTSeason class.

I know I’m late but seriously? Nobody covered this? Rogues got Sebacious Poison that doesn’t require stacking, is buffed by imp expose talent, resulting in +300-500 dps for every physical dps in the raid, and you’re bringing up sunder? Spriest homies put up sunder better than warriors lmao.

So what does warrior actually provide to a raid? It’s not ST dps, it’s not cleave or AoE dps. It’s not tanking ability. It’s not our wealth of utility, shouts are group wide, meathook is situational at best, unusable at worst, sunder is provided by either a shadow priest or by a poison rogues get that outperforms it entirely.

And if you want to go the PvP angle, Mortal Strike hits for 350 or less on anything that isn’t cloth. So you’re a debuff bot for the real classes at BEST.

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yeah stop complain druids!

Every naxx run will stack 10 of them to clean rooms in 10 secs, but is completely normal if you re the always favorite of blizz.

Can you read? His argument that balance druids are only top DPS because other people are bad at playing their own classes.

Nothing more op than a druid in pvp. All that instant damage as well as mobility and heals.

Maybe they just need a significant mobility and heals nerf to punch out that kind of damage.

Coming from a level 10 dwarf paladin :clown_face: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Why don’t you log on to your main so we can all call you out? 90 posts as well. Looks like a troll alt.

Can you? But then again, Id doubt it considering how arrogant you mana-addicts are. A very good choice playing a paladin and a mana addict on retail. It speaks about your character.

I’d assume you’re playing a pally on SOD, but saying that would sully the class given your level of skill. Take one good hard look at logs throughout the phases and then come back and say with a straight face that there can and only will ever be one class with the top spot in PVE for all eternity. :clown_face:

You and that level 10 Retadadin clearly do not know how to read the logs. You do realize there are good paladins that have obviously scored above the median percentile of 53.36 right?

^ Also quick shoutout to this ignorant fool right here. because 1 balance druid that figured got his rotation right and min-maxed to the extreme, sekwing the top 1% of the score means this class should get nerfed :roll_eyes:

If you achieve 80 score as a retadadin, you practically and technically are considered the top 25 percentile of all classes, and will be the top 3 dps on average of all DPS class. And weather or not your pea brain wants to process it, top 25 percentile is a good, top position on warcraft logs. All you need to do is get your rotations right, and pop consumables.

But surprise surprise, instead of doing so you come whinning on the forums. Can’t even post on your main. Why? Are you embarrassed by your own logs? You must probably be the ret that achieve lower percentile score in raids :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But don’t worry. I won’t judge. We were all bad once. Some people outgrow that phase, but some people remain there forever. A word of advice? Maybe rely a little more on skill over overpowered class buffs? You Retadadins are all the same. Relying on your OP abilities to win pve /pvp. Now when classes are tuned / balance, you fall short due to your lack of skill and whine and whine and whine.

Balance druid is the #1 DPS spec in every single percentile on warcraftlogs outside of max. That’s absolutely insane. Your spec is long deserving of a massive nerf come Naxx. Also, to complain about alt posting, while you yourself are posting on an alt is peak moron. Cope and seethe. I will dance in your tears next phase when your meme spec is gutted.




Get real. Massive nerf or not, greatplayers who have been doing well, will still continue to do well. And you, are not one one of them.

You know, tears can be delicious. Especially ones coming from a mana addict whose class has always been overtuned since vanilla. And I stand by my previous comment. If you have nothing to hide, show us your warcraft logs.

Congrats on being so stupid that you don’t understand percentiles. Players in lower percentiles aren’t mastering anything. I don’t even play a paladin you moron. Nerf them more for all I care.

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lmao dude you are posting on an alt

Remain silent, you dim-witted 42 mana addict.

Tell that to yourself a few more times, you need that to sink in.

For once, you make an accurate description about yourself. Yay! Now, lets take the next step forward and google “how to not suck at the game” :eyes: