Stop trying to tell people how they have to play Classic

I’m so fed up with the “go play retail” and the “this game clearly isn’t for you” toxicity that the forums invoke.
You do realize that everyone has a different play style?
For you to think that someone needs to play by your rule book is insanity…

Try to make me:

  • Play with classic graphics on… not the updated graphics.
  • Play without the updated questie (quest helper addon)
  • Play without the updated deadly boss mods or omen threat meter
  • Play without bagsort
  • Play without oglow
  • Play without elvui
  • Play without macros that were discovered after vanilla
  • EDIT: Removed LFG addon, as it is no longer available and I could care less. (It was a small part to a much bigger point.)
  • Play without YouTube guides… you can only use Thottbot…
  • Play without Discord… Ventrilo is the only way
  • Play without EPGP addon… do the math yourself
  • Play without right click report
  • Play without 2 hour loot window
  • Play without battle net integration

Play without this… play without that…

How about this… how about you don’t tell me how I’m gonna play… and I won’t tell you how to play… play how you want… let your experience be your own experience and stop trying to control everyone that is going to play CLASSIC…

This is not YOUR game… this is not MY game… this is Blizzard / Activ’s game and they control what people do and don’t do.

For the record… all of those “changes” listed above are AVAILABLE in Classic… and I will be playing with all of them.

Try to stop me. (mic drop)


I agree with you. No changes lost that couldn’t be more clear. Everyone should embrace Classic for what it is and have fun.


For personal addons like bags and quests, this is true. However, for social addons like LFG tools they have an argument. Those affect other players and the overall game.


I have analyzed your post and determined you have a very high opinion of yourself and believe your thoughts are the best thoughts and everyone should listen to you.

As such, I have determined with 99.9% accuracy that BFA is the WoW expansion for you!

It has all of the things you want in a WoW expansion, the only downside is you won’t be able to put forth selfish ideas that people will give a second thought about.


Omen threat meter effects players and the overallgame. Dps meters effect players and the overallgame. Deadly boss mods effect players and the overall game. Should I continue?

Addons are awesome.


By improving the game to create more social interaction?

Oh no!


It is my gods given right to tell you how to do things that don’t effect me or mine, how dare you forget that I’s payed my 15 dollars a month so I can be entitled to bully others on how they should play…
Ehrm, wait…sorry, thought we were in retail, my bad, carry on.


Ummm, if you decide to play Classic you kinda are forced to play with these graphic settings, there is no toggle available. Sorries!


I played Vanilla - MOP…

BC > Vanilla > Wrath

Saying “BFA is the xpac for you” is a default… how about you think of some original content?


Every single “improvement” to the original is what turned it into retail, with the same justifications being used. Those of us who gave up on WoW over the years as it became a different game do not want to see it happen again.


While I do agree that I do hope everyone enjoys Classic, I just don’t want people trying to turn it into retail. That’s like using coarse salt to coat your ice cream instead of sprinkles.

I know that most of the posts asking for certain addons and features are trolls but there are some newer age gamers who are flabbergasted on actually having to DO stuff to GET stuff.


/rolls up newspaper
NO bad cow NO
/swats OP



Ummm, if you decide to play Classic you kinda are forced to play with these graphic settings, there is no toggle available. Sorries!

You clearly have not checked out the toggle settings… there is literally a “Classic” toggle… you can go up from the classic setting and even improve the water quality.


Not a fan of most of those either, but they were part of the original game, for better or worse.

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this effects every1 not only you.


/rolls up newspaper
NO bad cow NO
/swats OP

Nice one lulwut…

Oh, I thought you were talking about character models, which cannot be changed to Retail models.

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I could care less about what kind of ui enhancements you use, but group finder and quest helper are the types of assistants that removed the social aspect of wow. Having to actually ask for help or actively looking for a group to run a dungeon is what made wow in the early days great.


I get the concern, but that’s a slippery slope argument.

The LFG addon will not create cross realm play, it will not give people welfare epics and bonus loot at the end of dungeon, it will not teleport people to the dungeon in an instant, it will not change the class design that makes every class unique, it will not hinder that social interaction within the dungeon because communication is encouraged due to the difficulty and time investment instead of the rat race of retail etc.

There are many many more reasons that retail dungeons suffer, and in my sincere opinion it’s not the result of being able to create groups through a UI instead of chat.


Be grouped with someone != social interaction.
Retail is the living proof of this.