Very nice, once you get the setup down its actually ezier than zf i think
Good for him then since he died a lot in ZF.
8 times aint that much.
Better to die in game than to die every night inside
We wont link the 1st run KEKW.
Heres 2nd
I told you already I don’t click your links or visit them.
You are wasting your time.
You suck at this game.
The link wasnt even to you lmfao.
You scared of a screen shot rofl?
Good on you for reporting them.
my good fellow, if your buying gear you ARENT playing the game you are going shopping lol whats the point of that? we both know those folks who buy the gear are just going to sit in stormwind or orgrimmar and complain theres nothing to do lol.
Well just got clarification it is indeed against the rules to sell dungeon items under the gdkp ban and encouraged to report as needed rule breakers, so please stop breaking the rules Drinknblink id hate for a cute gnome to get suspended or banned especially after being informed
If you see others that you believe are violating policy, Moryna, I would encourage reporting it. I wouldn’t, however, spend too much time on it. The focus should definitely be on enjoying your playtime as best as you can so reporting a few here and there as you are able is great and very much appreciated.
“A CS guy told me to touch grass so im right!!1!!”
I just sell dungeon slots and the players themselves can work out who gets what.
I am the new meta.
He literally posted in the support channel and got told to touch grass by a CS rep lmao
Ok, that is frickin funny and I laughed in real life. Thank you!
So you were proven wrong yet again by a green and a blue and still argue at this point you have proven you are nothing but a troll
The best you got was a forum MVP saying maybe, and a blue post telling you to touch grass, very sad! If it was against ToS they would have said that.
Thats not at all what was said and you know it hence why you decided to edit the quote and not show whole thing enjoy your ban i just hope others learn from your mistakes
Bro you linked the post, why try to lie and leave out the blue posts? I know this is mostly an act for attention but you should try harder than that.
Players are lazy, they buy gold and ruin the game.
If they are going to ruin the economy and blizzard sits idle then I’ll sell dungeon slots based on maximum profit for myself.
I sell not the loot but only the opportunity to have that loot; they pay me no matter what.
And now that i have corrected him enough ive reported all his posts as trolling and blocked him i have no time for 12 year old minecraft trolls