Stop trying to sell items in dungeons

its just killing stuff on warrior while i occasionally tab over to heal on pala with mage on follow taking nodes

No, how long did it take you to get good at ST?

Report everyone who talks to themselves on multiple alts :expressionless:

You’ll care after you are banned.

Game sucks anyway.

took a couple tries, just jump back up every time they look like they are gonna get close because they like to run at you randomly

Im on first run, so far so good.

It’s against the rules.

GG to your account.

What exactly constitutes a “gold bid” or GDKP raid?

We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold. Please note that we have multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances.

Soloing sunken temple isn’t against the rules, that blue post is about gdkp :expressionless:

Selling dungeon loot is GDKP as defined by BLIZZARD (aka the Devs of this game).

We aren’t talking about dungeon loot schizo :expressionless:

Read the blue post lil bro.

There was a blue post about Sunken temple? :expressionless:

Did you read the blue post lil bro?

Yes, sunken temple isn’t mentioned, are you okay? :expressionless: I wish the forums had a similar system to reddit cares so you could get the help you need

I don’t think you can read.

Go ahead and quote the part of the blue post that talks about killing dragons solo in sunken temple :expressionless:

If you sell loot from those dragons that is BOP then it’s GDKP and bannable.


Stop trying so hard, even people who don’t know you can tell :expressionless:

1st run down, all 72 mobs!