Stop trying to sell items in dungeons

so selling 5man dungeon items is ban-able this days?
on Nightslayer horde chat is filled with people selling items from mara/lbrs/brd/ubrs.

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“Awarded” you don’t award an item unless you are master looter. Anyone that isn’t trying to be dishonest can clearly see that the only reason dungeon is on that list is to prevent 10m gdkp’s in UBRS due to it not being a raid

Its not, people on the forums lie

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Ubrs is a raid and lol dude you have mental issues seek help its clear as day its banned

Then why doesn’t it have a lockout? And why hasn’t anyone been banned for what you say is bannable?

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Yea your going on ignore and reported for trolling

lol “reported for being right and im upset” bro would quit if they removed report buttons from wow

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wts princess runs pst…

What item am i selling by posting that?


Technically speaking if they loot princess and get any items you’re selling all of the items she drops as a part of your princess run.

This is a semantic argument, but technically speaking according to what Blizzard says it is reportable, and usually it’s “Selling princess runs, get your blackstone” etc.

It’s very much like if a drug buyer texts a drug dealer

“K I’ll meet you at the spot”
drops money on bench
drops drugs on bench
takes money, takes drugs

“Oh well I didn’t sell them anything!!! I just agreed to meet them for an undisclosed purpose and they just so happened to drop the money, and I just so happened to drop the drugs, so it’s not a sale!!!”

It’s funny, but you can tell it’s deliberately attempting to avoid punishment for breaking the law, by pretending you’re just doing something “slightly” different, but the result is exactly the same.

The fact of the matter is if Blizzard doesn’t ban for selling item runs then it’s irrelevant, however if they do start banning for item runs then it is 100% against their policy as stated.

It’s just a question of if they’ll decide to ban you for it or not, but technically it is against the GDKP ban policy they stated specifically.

Selling BOPs for gold is the definition of a GDKP nerd.

You can’t sell loot for gold inside a dungeon or raid.

Bro doesn’t even know what gdkp is yet posts about it 24/7

The constant comparison to drugs in regards to gdkp not only exposes the alt posting, but shows how out of touch with reality you are lmao

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Considering most WoW players are addicted to pixels… it’s a pretty good comparison especially for things that are banned.

But par for the course here.

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Except drugs are actually banned, and dungeon boosts arent

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Bro youve been proven wrong time and time again at this point you are nothing but a troll and i recommend everyone report you as such, we dont need people like you spreading misinformation on these fourms

You haven’t proven me wrong once, you just keep linking the post that says the complete opposite of what you say

If you need a hoj or Blackstone ring I got you.

We can work out prices in game

WTS princess run loot FFA.

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You can’t it’s banned I’ll report you.

Report away.

People who have been doing this :point_down:

and are tired of not seeing it drop often, and when it does drop, it goes to someone else thus leaving the person in question to once again run it even more.

This is a 20 year old game, and this is the rerererelease of it. We’re not interested in spending another 100+ runs just to get a single HOJ, watching the first 20 go to rotating pugs that you’ll never see again.

I don’t get it though, you say this :point_down:

Which one, you don’t get to sit here and say what everyone else should or shouldn’t find fun, and two, then you can go do it and leave everyone else alone. You can go run it over and over and over and over and over and over again having the time of your life. Other people buying it in runs you’re not even in shouldn’t affect you whatsoever, but god knows you’re still going to come here and complain that other people are playing the game in a way that you specifically don’t find fun.

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