What they as devs think or not, I have no clue about.
Ofc players from other classes will complain about them not getting a 4th spec as well in case Hunters got theirs. This always happens, no matter what gets changed or added for a class other than their own.
Keeping from adding a well liked, unique playstyle which already have strong thematic ties to both the class as well as the game in general, not to mention that it has already been in the game before, not adding it purely because of what certain players would say in regards to their own class…I don’t know really.
Personally, I couldn’t care less if another class got something added. I don’t play that class.
I believe that you should consider the following when determining if an additional spec is justified for a class:
- Thematic ties to the class in question.
Does it fit the core class fantasy in general?
(…as portrayed in WoW)
Does the new spec present a theme that both has a connection to the core fantasy as well as a focus on a unique aspect of that class which the other existing specs aren’t already providing?
- Lore/the game as a whole.
Ofc Lore and game fantasy can be altered as time goes on.
But, if a playstyle/spec has no real connection to anything we can already find in the game then, it should not be added.
Does the new spec/playstyle come with mechanical advantages as well as weaknesses which aren’t already present within the class?
If we apply these criteria to a potential new RSV spec for the Hunter class:
Thematic fit - It focuses on enhancing ammunition/arrows by using poison, animal venom, explosives and even a bit of magic.
The spec would also be about improving hunter traps. Both existing as well as perhaps a new one.
The spec would/should also be ‘optionally’ dependent on a pet. As pets are a core fantasy of the class as a whole, we should have the option to rely on one.
Note: option, not requirement.
Uniqueness/identity - It would focus on elements/aspects within the class which other specs ‘dip their toes into’ but aren’t exploring on any deeper levels.
Lore/the game - We’ve already had a predecessor of this playstyle in the game. And you can find countless characters in multiple areas where they make use of/improve ammo and arrows but also traps.
The class, strengths and weaknesses - RSV was always about, and should be about DoT(damage over time).
Contrary to other hunter specs, this will allow the spec to present a more consistent and fluid playstyle. It will not have the same advantage of strong burst periods, but also, not the downside of low periods.
The biggest advantage of such a spec, would be the increased capability to deal with multiple targets at once(multi-dotting). Even when they are far apart.
In short, RSV, meets all the criteria for a new spec. As well as a bonus one - which is that it already has a following/players who want to play it. It’s already sought after/missed by many.
And as far as other classes go. If a potential new spec/playstyle meet the criteria above, I say, add it to that class.
Note that a spec which has a thematic and mechanical focus that is very similar to an existing spec within that class, ‘‘just based on using 2h weapons over 1h weapons’’ or some similar argument, does not warrant implementation. As this new spec wouldn’t actually be that unique in terms of mechanics. Only aesthetically/visually.