Stop trying to remove melee

It was an example, man. How would you feel if blizzard announced “due to continued demand, we’re introducing a ranger class, and one of the specializations is old RSV.” The point was that without some kinda paid class change service (which is honestly extremely unlikely), putting msv or RSV on a new class would just make people more upset.

I would pay to get to listen in if anyone actually tries to make a class action suit. a judge in the US would laugh you out of court for even trying, a judge in a more consumer friendly country would ask you

“can you still play the game?”
“then what’s the issue”
“it’s not fun”
“get out of my court”

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If the game is not fun, its as simple as quitting it. Then you find something else that is fun. Why stick around something you dont enjoy ? Go out to get what you like.


pst they’re all too addicted to quit, and fall headfirst, screaming, into the sunk cost fallacy.

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I’d reroll in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t roll a Barbarian?

No matter what happens some people are gonna be upset.

In the event of the RSV 4th spec actually happening, I really think MSV would see major changes. I seriously doubt it would keep its explosives and crossbow. They’d basically revert it back to its legion design.

New class: Rejects
Specs: old rsv, old enh, combat rogue

I did quit. I was inactive until Classic came out. Haven’t even logged into retail for years.

Sign of the times isn’t it?

Let me just ask this honestly then, I really enjoy the playstyle of MSV and I like the flexibility to go ranged if I want.
What other MDPS plays like Survival even? Unholy?

Out of all the classes ive played, i wpuld say outlaw plays closest to Sv atm. U have a grappling hook like harpoon, between the eyes for a stun, blind for you “trap” gouge for an incap. U wont have bombs to throw tho or a serpent sting. About as close as u will get tho.

Coming from a DK, i dont feel like any of those specs feel similiar to any aspect of SV except for the fact sv mashes mongoose and i mash Scourge or necrotic strike lol

Aesthetically I definitely see Outlaw but the reason I mention Unholy really is if you just take Clawing Shadows you can still have somewhat of a “ranged” playstyle while being primarily melee. Something Survival does that I enjoy.

Also the maintain dots into burst window I imagine though it’s been a while since I played Unholy.

Depends if ur talking pvp or pve. Pve u want first talent in first row so transformed pet applies aoe wounds and ur damage comes from DnD+transformation+Scourge strike aoe cleave and bursting wounds.

For pvp a lot of damage is from magus summon from raise abomb and apocalypse plus stacking NS. All that together it is large damage.

Then for bosses in pve army, apocalypse, frenzy, gives very large burst in small fights. at 425ilv with heroism i was at like a 68k burst on a boss and the more gear and better ur at the spec the better.

Oh yeah the midrange melee thing is way more PvP than PvE since autoattacks are obviously super important nowadays.
I guess after I’m done with hunter I can level up a DK and see how it feels. Thanks!

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Do you have anything to offer to this thread other than inane, tone-policing BS? Every single one of your post is just deflecting and stalling about how we should never talk about SV because it hurts your feelings.

Actually, I am right about saying melee-only Hunters doesn’t fit the WoW Hunter identity. Hunters in WoW were defined as a ranged class and were designed as such for 12 years until a newer group of developers were eager enough to ruin class design to the point that they are now actively trying to backtrack on their destructive “specs over classes” approach. Can Hunters in fantasy use melee weapons? Sure, but the Hunter as defined in this game was a ranged class and there was zero valid reason to change that. Doing so has just hurt the class so much more than it has helped.

“Mods please ban discussions I don’t like”

This is embarrassing, to put it bluntly.

This is too far. I usually just kick the SV Hunters, or take their loot if I can.


They can’t get 3 right, and you want 4? Why can’t we have 2 specs? Ranged, and not ranged. Make pets optional inside the ranged spec itself.

If they can’t get 3 right then they need to hire new developers. I’m sick of players having to soldier through and deal with the misled, directionless, arrogant whims of the developers since about WoD.

Dropping down to 2 specs is an atrocious idea, too. It’s not like they won’t find a way to screw that up too, even ignoring the basic fact that you’re going to have to remove a spec people like. What makes you think the non-ranged option is the one that warrants being one of these hypothetical 2 remaining specs, given the fringe minority that actually plays Survival and the even smaller amount of that group that specifically prefers Survival because it’s melee? I’m not going to say you are purposefully writing off ranged specs as expendable but I will say you are doing that subconsciously.


Been saying this for a looooong time.


Played a Hunter for 12 years. Hunters aren’t meant to be melee. I hate that everyone does the same thing with different animations, and you contribute to that.

Yes, it would be laughed out of court, but it only takes one person and a bad lawyer to start one (know any bad lawyers?). I’m embarrassed people think I was suggesting it.


Bepples said it pretty well here.

But I’ll say it as well as your post was directed towards me.

If the devs don’t listen to player feedback when they go about making changes to a particular class(in this case: Hunter), then it doesn’t matter if we have 4 specs, 3 specs, 2, or none.

If they don’t listen to players, and make corrections/alterations where needed, based on said feedback, then we can have as little as 2 specs and they will still get them wrong.

I’m not talking tuning/balancing here, just to point that out. This part is easily handled by them checking their system for performance logs. And more. This is all just numbers.

But when it comes to things like the design itself for various specs/abilities then players usually report faulty designs or things that generally just feels off, they do so rather quickly going into an Alpha/Beta or a PTR cycle.

In late years, we’ve seen that the devs have had a habit of implementing changes to class/spec design which players have never asked for to be done, or at least, not in the way it was done. As well as at the same time flat out ignoring the responses/feedback to said changes.

  • The changes to RSV going into Legion, removing it from the class in favor of implementing a melee spec.

Is just one example.

We are providing feedback for that change even today, about 4 years after the fact. And still we haven’t seen any indications that they are listening to us.


Dont feel bad. Dk community has been asking for 2h to be returned to frost for years now as well, which would be a bit easier than adding a 4th spec or reverting all changed and rebalancing RSV, and they have been ignored till recently where we got “we would like to give fdk 2h back”. That being said, they didnt day they would, just that they would like to.


All we can do is continue to provide feedback for what we want to see.

If we stop because of the unlikeliness of certain things happening anytime soon, then there’s no point to the feedback part of these forums at all really.