To put it short.
The original intent(read: intended design) was not to provide talents/options for hunters to opt into melee combat rather than ranged combat.
Longer version:
The original design of SV as a talent category, was to, like the later version which was actually called Survival, not Outdoorsmanship, was to improve utility and survivability.
That included melee abilities as in certain areas of the game, such as PvP, you weren’t going to be able to keep your distance to the enemy in such a reliable way as in other areas.
What would the result be?
Since they designed our ranged weapons to have a minimum attack range this meant that when we weren’t capable at keeping the distance, we had to make use of what we had. And thus it being reasonable to have talents which focused on making us stronger for such occasions where we would not be able to use ranged weapons as reliably.
Neither Outdoorsmanship nor the old SV talent categories, intended for us to intentionally move into melee range and start whacking the enemies with the melee weapon(s) rather than trying to keep our distance.
It wasn’t just a case of bad tuning/balancing in terms of numbers.
Yes, true, many of the talents were improperly tuned/balanced, but even if they had done that part better, we still did not have a class and a talent design which intended for us to opt out of ranged combat.
If at any point in the past(prior to Legion), there was an actual intent for hunters to opt into melee combat instead of ranged, they would’ve given us more than 1 baseline offensive melee-ability. If it was intended for Hunters to fight in melee over ranged, they wouldn’t have taken away everything involving our melee weapons(incl the actual ability to properly use the weapons themselves).
Having said all that:
Does the above mean that a melee playstyle/spec has no place within the class?
No, it doesn’t mean that. Class development can move forward like most other things do.
But giving us the option(for those who wants to) to focus on melee combat, does not justify further limitation on ranged options or fantasies.
What they did going into Legion, wasn’t the above. They did not bring hunter class development forward. They severely cut out a large portion of it’s main features, resulting in an equally large portion of the development of the class which we’ve gone through over several expansions, basically now being done for nothing.
The biggest waste of dev time and money, wasn’t what they did/had to do to MSV going from Legion to BfA with giving that spec yet another overhaul.
The biggest waste, was all the dev time and money spent on developing the spec between WotLK and WoD.
Not to mention the massive waste of player-time. Meaning those of us who had come to love that old SV(RSV) playstyle. Doing what they(devs) did to SV, basically told us that we did not matter. They basically told us that they did not care about what we as players liked.