Stop trying to re-balance Wrath

This isn’t classic, this is reforged. And yes, send the classic team back to retail.

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Cata killed the playerbase. Its when number of people quiting surpased number joining. But it doesnt change the fact the Wrath is when the number of players quitting first hit the number joining.

The big issue here is that we have no idea what “rebalancing” even means.

30% more boss health and damage? Who knows?


What they should do is scale raids to be kinda like ICC with its buff. Make it a good challenge then slowly add a percentage buff over time with the option to toggle it on or off.

its the same way they rebalanced the genders to make everybody what ever they want to be , remember this is blizzard the woke gaming company who caters to all of the 2% instead of the 98% oh and please dont spit on your enemy this is world of friendcraft be nice sing kumbaya and praise the wow devs in there glorious wow society of woke gamers

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I actually like it. Maybe it will break the addon gearscore. I dont agree about what was said about ulduar because rhonin was doing his speech even when icc was out.

Ulduar is like ssc/tk or mc and bwl easy gear for alts and gdkps. Naxx is the raid that people will stop doing.

This def goes well beyind QoL changes.

Changing ilevels will have ripple effects and affect long run class balance. Many classes scale poorly at tbe start, and then really shine by ICC. If ypu reduce the ilevel ceiling they get to by ICC, it will significantly chnage class balance.

This will change expected peformance of classes that had been waiting all xpac to shine, ex. dps warriors.

Part of me wonders if this is bait and switch to cause uproar over somethign else to take tbe focus away from the RDF backlash. A distraction if you will, but they sont actually intend to do it.


Well they did make decisions of things like body type 1, type 2, taking out pictures in game, changing dialogue, etc. Id say thin skinned would be a compliment for this dev team at this point


Seems like a legitimate concern, imo! Who tf is asking for more difficulty? Why would Blizzard alter the game to satisfy thier opinions? Seems odd.

This is what has hurt WoW - tending to the needs of a tiny minority who play the game to the max.


Yeah, stop trying to mess with a experience ive been waiting 3 years for since the release of classic. If its imbalanced or messed up just like it was 14 years ago who cares. Has anyone thought why Ulduar was so highly regarded cause it didnt have time to spoil in people mind since it was so short.

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Overall, I feel more and more like we are just skipping over Wrath of the Lich King Classic and jumping right to the WotLK season of mastery instead.

If you liked the state of vanilla and TBC? Great! Here’s a largely faithful recreation.

Liked WotLK? Well screw you, we don’t so here’s all the changes we have decided to make to make WotLK “better.”

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You were saying?

I’m down with putting gasoline on my pitchfork if it works.

Who would have guessed that the community council would have trash opinions like that? Seriously wanting to rebalance the game? Make it harder? Make what THEY want more relevant? What a joke.

a lot of us don’t want to have to be drunk to enjoy raiding

Bingo! This isn’t Wrath Classic.

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Then why are you playing classic instead of retail mythic raids? This makes no sense.

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Why does classic have to equal braindead?

Makes even less sense.

Because its a re-release of the original expansion. So it should be release as it was at the time. If you want your hard raids retail has them. Quit trying to turn wrath into retail.

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According to who? You?

I prefer my opinion to yours.