Stop trying to re-balance Wrath

Who appointed these community leaders? Did blizzard just hand pick people that aligned with their wants?

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I guess I don’t really have sympathy for the folks that spreadsheeted the fun right out of the game.

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Eh I’d leave the CC folks out of this. They’re just the sounding board for Blizzard’s first draft of ideas.

There’s no real evidence they’re listening to proper feedback or the playerbase at all.


Eh I’d leave the CC folks out of this. They’re just the sounding board for Blizzard’s first draft of ideas.

Yeah, and when they are telling them it’s a good idea then it does partially place the blame on them.

Any blame for this belongs with the game designers, not the community managers. Now, if our feedback that the game designers have gone off their rocker does not make it back to them, then THAT is on the community managers.

He really is. Don’t feed that troll


I haven’t seen them express any opinions on these changes. In fact the first thing they did was to bring them here to foster some discussion on them. That’s what I’d expect of a community centric role, to be honest.

I love after years of being told “No Changes” is bad that everyone is eating their words. This kind of stuff is exactly why everyone wanted the no changes, warts and all.

That said, I could care less about the iLVL squish. I would rather do more ulduar than just go in and clear 5 bosses in one of the worst raids and do no other raiding for a whole phase.


Fair enough.

I am now also starting to wonder how this would affect cata-classic. We now replace Smourne with a lvl 81 green or are they also squishing cata ilvls? Does this lean into them not doing a cata-classic?

Stop changing the WLK. Put RDF back dudes.


lol Cata classic.

I guarantee they don’t do more after wrath unless its a classic+ thing. More realistically is ust rotating the content again. The purpose of Classic was to play the old version of the game. Cata is when the new version begins.

Sure, there are people who want Cata… but its the server where players quitting surpassed players joining the game… makes no sense to re-experience it.

I just pray classic ends after Wrath. This Dev group needs to be reintegrated back into the Retail team.


luckily for you, you can log into shadowlands and one shot every boss in Wrath - no pesky time wasted doing a rotation or following mechanics.

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Hi Wickage! Why do you feel that way?

Nerfing TOC/ICC gear in order to make Ulduar more valuable is tonedeaf. If you want to make Ulduar gear more valuable, buff Ulduar gear.

Nerfing TOC/ICC gear in order to make those raids more difficult is tonedeaf. If you want to make those raids more difficult, increase the difficulty of those raids.

Nerfing TOC/ICC gear in order to class balance is tonedeaf. If you want to balance classes, tune class mechanics (but don’t say you’ll be keeping a close eye on it and only do something if there’s a drastic issue).


well they already screwed the wotlk experience up anyway starting off in 3.4.0 instead of 3.1 when it first come out so … dk will have already been nerfed to the ground and bosses will be nerfed also

Oh, NOW your upset about a large scale sweeping change to the game? Sure.


One thing I can agree with this guy on.

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cata killed the player base i quit during cata they destroyed my world didnt like it screw deathwing and his minons

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