TBH is you needed to rely on being the top dps class to boost your prio on it maybe you don’t deserve it to begin with.
Play what you want. Ignore metasheep.
I was basically guaranteed getting the first shadowmourne even if ret was the worst DPS spec in the game. The buffs had literally zero impact on my place in the guild.
It did help a bunch of others in guilds that use stupid things like a sim results spreadsheet to decide who is getting a legendary though.
so why do you care?
i feel bad for pve warriors and i think the class tuning was a misstep
I love my feral buddies but it seems a little strange that feral should be topping any 2h axe class in a phase with a legendary 2h axe. Although feral did struggle for years on classic there’s no doubt about that
I don’t know anything about ret warriors, but I do know that a warrior NEVER let me pull off him all through togc w/ full chest and through ICC in our 10 and 25 mans in OG WOtLK. He made it easy to get the drakes.
We miss you, Pete.
Prot warrior is dumpster level so warriors had nothing to really do all of Wrath.
I guess their punishment from vanilla?
lol 100%
toxic, whiny, and entitled
imagine whining about not being guaranteed #1 dps.
The entire warrior class sucks in Wrath.
In the final tier they get to be mediocre as a dps and still a crap tank.
Maybe payback for vanilla?
No one cared about the debuff. ICC was straight Stamina and bears were the only class to reach 102k HP In a lot of pvp gear mind you + the 30% buff, That alone made a bear more than enough for 25 man normal and very good for heroic, specifically Sindy, The only tank that can take two breaths reliably without dying. Feral was topping meters back then too…complicated rotation but those invested did really well.
Unless they get their BiS and are one of the best DPS… How is it mediocre to basically be tied for 3rd best single target (and the margin to the top is not large)
And prot warrior is fine, it’s just less good than prot paladin, so it sees less play…
All of this content was done with prot warriors before, there’s nothing stopping prot warrior now other than player preference. There really isn’t anything that prot warrior is missing, so I can’t even fathom where or how you would buff them other than giving all the other tanks a cheat death like paladin has (or taking away paladin’s)
Hell, even in TBC people were dumb with their tanks and had bears MT everything (because bears were best!) even when their offtank could do it, despite the fact that the bear was waaay better at DPS.
The less warriors who just rolled warrior to be top tier in ICC the better. Roll Ret, I’m sure you have a paladin too considering they are top tier
Rerolling to have slight advantages in theoretical damage instead of playing what you like is wild to me.
I am 100% down for this.
Hunters need a buff (ty for trap launcher blizzard) and this would be the most meme way to buff hunters.
Shadowmourne Phase 4
Item Level 284
Binds when picked up
Two-Hand Axe
954 - 1,592 Damage Speed 3.70
(344.05 damage per second)
+223 agility
+198 Stamina
Red Socket
Red Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +8 agility
Durability 145 / 145
Classes: hunter only
Requires Level 80
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 114 (2.48% @ L80).
Equip: Increases your armor penetration by 114 (0.00% @ L80).
Equip: [Your ranged attacks and abilities have a chance to drain a Soul Fragment granting you 30 agility. When you have acquired 10 Soul Fragments you will unleash Chaos Bane, dealing 1900 to 2100 Shadow damage split between all enemies within 40 yards that are in combat with you unless they are CCed, and granting you 270 agility for 10 sec.]
Flavor text-its a hunter weapon
Make them dual for it. Best 2/3 wins.
lmao top 4 is ~mediocre~ yet they were #1 for two out of three classic expansions.
Get a grip, get real, get over it.
Devs were telling players to “wait for ICC” and that they’d be “252 kings” in Ulduar. Players pointed to sims saying this wasnt going to happen.
Surprised Pikachu face - it didnt happen. Now Feral is #1 overall in ICC and Ret wit bis is better than fury warrior with bis - but the former 2 classes still have all their utility. And on the sims floating around citing a 50 dps lead for Ret, if you uncheck Troll and the Overpower spec that almost no one in the top 100 use Warriors isnt 50 dps behind, they over 400 dps behind, which is more than getting a massive upgrade like comet’s trail on a rogue in phase 2.
Wotlk Classic turned into Aggrend’s private server. Interesting he himself plays ret.
The irony of telling someone “to get over it” while citing a totally different expac from years ago that might as well be a different game.
1) Where did the devs say this?
2) The top single target specs are within 100 dps of one another in full BiS, it’s hard to get more king than that unless you want it at the point where warriors do 500+ more dps than anyone else.