Stop trying to gaslight about warriors

This post led to so much cringe it’s astonishing. Changed my mind, plz nerf Warriors.


Those people are sad.




Only one spec can top the meters at a time. If your spec isn’t actively trolling to play then you’re just whinging, and if being middle-of-the-pack is preventing you from getting into raids or getting items then you aren’t even whinging about the correct thing: your actual issue lies with Classic players being awful human beings.


you couldn’t buff warriors because they would be so far and above every other class in ICC. stop crying dude


Immediate replies from a Ret and Fire Mage saying “So?” and “Stop crying” really kinda proves my point…


Where’s the reply from the Ret?

Looks like a warrior responding to a DK to me?

Fury is really in a great spot in the latest sims. They are desirable, you may even bring 2 of them because they pump.

This is what it was always about. I am biased because I am getting the first Shadowmourne in my raid, but I think that’s just fine.

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I’m getting mine as well, I just find it annoying everyone is pretending to be shocked warriors are upset about how changes from og wrath have effected their position.

Starting in the final patch of the xpac, it was always going to differ from how og wrath was.

That’s a warrior saying “so?” champ.

Yeah this is absolutely nonsense, Shadowmourne always went for your loyal and consistent raider over anything else.

If anything, the lack of gain for DKs is more harmful than the ret/warrior debate, at this point it’s pretty much a tossup between warrior and ret if you only look at actual gains from it.

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I hope they all reroll to something they truly enjoy playing if not being the top DPS in ICC is a deal breaker and Shadowmourne goes to someone else that is chosen.

Real Warriors get out there and do great things, like my boy Akhtar.

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Oh no! that 50-60 dps ahead of Fury is so much to complain about! At that point it just comes down to who is the better player.

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And making the assumption that they both have Shadowmourne.

And that no cleave is involved at all (rets can’t keep up on cleave at all).

There arent many fights where cleave really matters in ICC. I notice a lot of rets will not seal swap though. They just sit in vengeance/corruption which isnt good for cleave.

Not to mention, if there are no gatekept wings in ICC, its going to be over long before BiS and Shadowmourne even come into play. Its just people complaining to complain. 50-60dps is absolutely nothing. Thats really good balance to be completely honest.

the warrior dps main portion of the playerbase really is the worst, and Blizz shouldn’t listen to them at all.


No one is shocked about anyone pretending to be shocked or upset about anything in this game and coming here to complain about it.

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reroll ret, the true kings

They should just switch it to AGI, proc from range, and let the hunters have it.

If people can’t play nice give it to someone that will meme the crap out of it.

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Why are warriors the loudest about this? Is it the ego thing?
During Phase 1, when Ret was on par with Beast Mastery and Frost mages, literally no1 talked about buffing rets.

Or that Ferals had the MOST compex rotation and were still middle of the pack - no1 talked about it.

But the second warriors aren’t top, 50% of forum threads are crying how warriors must be top and how dare anyone else be top.

Go lash out on Affic/Fire/UDK for being 20-30% ahead of everyone else.

And what about Prot paladins and DKs? No1 really stands up for Warriors and Bears.
What about Hpala/Disc being 2 strongest heal specs? I don’t really see anyone crying for HolyPriest/Rdru buffs?