Stop trying to gaslight about warriors

Already seeing a LARGE amount of the Epic axe, AKA saronite/blood waiting room axe.

Gonna be no different that most of the legendries were in Classic/TBC.

Kinda cheapens the whole point of legendaries but it is what it is. Back in original wow, they were extremely rare and it was a treat just to see one live.
Now Dalaran will be flooded with dozens of them in a couple of weeks.

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Pretty much my take as well. I am glad it will be, potentially, easier this time around for me to work on getting one but it is slightly lame to see them so commonly. I say this as someone who doesn’t care about bragging rights/exclusivity.

Odd observation: since RDF it really seems like every paladin healer from Bene has Valnyr.


It’s still an accomplishment! Good luck with yours!

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Thanks! I’ll be pretty happy with it regardless. :slight_smile:

hope you are able to complete one if you’re after it as well!


Maybe eventually. Thanks though!

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Every 2H user in a consistent weekly ICC raid is going to have a SM by the end of WoTLK Classic.


Wanna bet 150k gold on it?

I dont have 150k gold.
After buying the 25 primordial saronites for MY shadowmourne, i barely have any gold left

Grats, think you missed a lot of context on my post based on your reaction but whatever. You get TAJ/2piece yet? Our Ret is destroying rn with it.

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