It’s not so much dps pulling a problem, but more dps and Tank not communicating… both going separate ways pulling different things then end up over-pulling…
I don’t mind a dps being on point as long they know what they’re doing and it’s agreed beforehand
Each tank has their own style. This is true. I would love to see how you would deal with a Nelf that grabs aggro , runs to you, then melds away
I don’t think its possible for any race monk to kill you, wait where am I?
I do enjoy house and trance. But hearing someone say “Now you are going to die” reminds me of Internet Friends by Knife Party.
I removed the link as its not a kid friendly song.
I have that on my gaming playlist lol
“You blocked me on Facebook and now you are going to die!”
Flipping good song man
They get better at being comfortable. snuggles up with his blanky
Fair play lol
This is actually one of the best parts about being an enlightened healer. When you see a DPS being obnoxious and stressing the tank out, just let 'em die. They’ll typically moan and complain, then either leave or get kicked.
Thats true. Healers are gods. Dps that pull mobs and can survive without heals are also gods
Heck yeah. If you haven’t already heard of them might I suggest Dance with the Dead, Perturbator, GosT, and Betamaxx.
Great gaming music to just have going in the background.
VCR > Betamaxx
Getting the Exteriminatus as we speak Bruvah!
When more than one dps pulls for me, sometimes I respond with
“I am going too slow for you?” then proceeds to run all the way to the RB pulling and attacking all the trash mobs along the way and leave the DPS to deal with them. That usually ends up with wiping and the group breaking apart.
Seems to me like its all situational.
If everyone massively overgears the content… or its low level (which tends to functionally be the same) then everyone do whatever who cares. Did a m0 or m2 or something the other night with a pug, 4 of us were maybe 400 ilvl or lower, the DH dps was 438. He started the dungeon letting the tank tank, and ending the dungeon basically pulling everything and tanking it himself. No one complained, he could have solo’d it probably.
Alternatively, if you’re doing a +10 with pugs and everyone is appropriately geared (but not extra), the dps (or healer) should not be pulling anything without communicating. “I know the dungeon well, want me to help pull?” is a really easy way to get the benefits of efficiency without being a jerk to a tank that maybe wants/needs to go at their pace.
Finally, if its a premade and you’re in discord communicating and trying to push the best you can, do whatever your group is comfortable with.
I think if I ever pulled as DPS I’d be so embarrassed I’d abort the mission. That just isn’t how things are done!
Why not both?
If you pull for me once, ill chock it up to a mis fire. And let it go.
Twice, ill ask you to stop.
Three times ill ask again to stop, and let you tank the pull.
Four times is where my patience runs out and ill either kick or leave.
If you want to control the pace of the pulls roll a tanking class, otherwise stay in your lane.
In organized groups with voice comms, I will ask DPS to grab adds for me. When they pull the APPROPRIATE adds and bring them to me, I’m a happy camper.
This is small minded and won’t get you far.