Stop treating dps pulls like a sin

You are missing the drama in the Warrior forums. Mate :rofl:

And i wonā€™t get better if Iā€™m not the one learning to properly pull the mobs, what order to pull in, and learn exactly how much I can handle at any given time. I need to learn all of that.

What I donā€™t need is some DPS arbitrarily pulling mobs whenever he wants and just assuming Iā€™ll be able to handle it.



That because its not punishing. You are comparing content that you either outgear or out skill, its not the same.

Think of it as pulling a raid boss too many times in guild group. Some folks get so mad because you messed up the pre-pot They will kick you out .

You wanting to pull on a DPS class means first of all, you donā€™t understand how some tanking mechanics work. All youā€™re actually doing is taking resources away from your tank, and making the content harder and more stressful than it has to be.


Mmmm. Dont worry you are stronger than you think especially if you have a good healer

With dedicated groups (i.e. not randoms) that know what should and should not be pulled, what the group can and cannot handle, et cetera, dps/heals pulling is absolutely fine and preferable in some cases.

Randoms pulling stuff that is outside of my planned route or butt pulling, however, is not.

As with most things, communication and context is important.


I agree with this, granted my druid is only lvl 37 rn but I frequently pull mobs every dungeon as the healer and nobody has complained to me about it.

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I disagree. I have many tanks. My main tank is a ilvl 440 DH. You do not lose any resources and usually get very strong when there are more mobs around you. The threat generation is extremely easy in this game.

Disc could be a great Priest Tank.

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You will learn how to deal with conomfortable situations. Hot to get agro on mobs and who you can leave with a mob for a bit and who you canā€™t. How to survive the in survivable situations.

When I started healing I had a tank that would pull trash when I was on 2% mana. Instead of saying ā€œwell I guess I canā€™t heal thenā€ I learnt how to get more mana between pills and how to conserve mana. Those lessons have been extremely useful since then.


Very true. Learning how to deal with those situations is the trick to having fun in all situations. Most of the time I dont need to use any cooldowns. When random things happen I do. It makes the event more fun if everyone is participating.

For healers you are totally right. Learning how to get mana between pulls makes you a much better healer and allows for more chain pulling.


If you learn better under fire then thatā€™s awesome.

I donā€™t though. So no DPS pulls in my dungeons unless they wanna die.


Insert dubstep music. ā€œYou are now going to dieā€ DooshBOOMDoosh Doosh

Then when are you going to learn how to deal with stuff you donā€™t plan? Answer. You wonā€™t.
Sometimes you gotta throw the text book out the window

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More of a House or Trance guy myself.

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Arbitrarily implies that they donā€™t know what they are doing. That could be bad, yes.

That being said, as someone that tanks a lot but mains a mage, if I pull something for you it is because Iā€™ve been watching you all dungeon and know you can handle it.

Tanks need to be somewhat flexible. So long as dps arenā€™t pulling extra trash or two groups that REALLY shouldnā€™t be pulled together, itā€™s fine.

Experience is useful!


I have a pocket healer with my tank, if dps pull we turn afk while they die or pass right by them and go do our thing. I have instant queue times they donā€™t, it can take 3 times as long for them to keep getting killed or they can let me go at the pace I work and my cooldowns are managed.

Dps pulls are a sin, they are taxsin :smiley:

Ill let myself outā€¦

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This ^

And this ^

Ultimately though it all comes down to thisā€¦