Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

You have all rights to do that. Hey I’ve heard a lot people saying that they only invite people without and that were doing fine.

There are groups for all levels in M+, raiding or pvp, you should join groups of your level or make one. Groups asking for a certain level of or achievement just want a smoother run with people that should normally have more experience. Hell in Antorus I made heroic pugs group just to farm really quick and I’d look at logs only taking ranged dps with 80%+ parses and most melee with 90%+ parses.

I’d also argue that titanforging is making it worse, because it makes so people that overgear the content keep doing it because that’s the way to go to progress gear with titanforging, so taking spots that would normally be other players with less gear or experience in groups with less requirements.


The way I see it its like the valor system for wotlk. (Don’t tell me doing heroic dungeons daily for normal gear wasn’t cool). THe normal difficulty was the equivalent to the heroic now.

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Because Lore said so in a Q&A, he explicitly made the point that if we’re on the forums we’re not the average player. That’s who they’re catering to, not us. That last part was my opinion, not what he said.

he said that

Thats oddly specific of him.

You asked a specific question. The one quoted above. That specific question was answered. Is that too complicated for you? I’m not sure how to dumb it down any further so someone else will have to take a crack at explaining such a simple concept.

Do we have a source where he specifically said

Im more than willing to agree with you if he did

Or did you once again interject yourself into a conversation in which you werent a part of and like a child make assumptions towards something

Or crap Avagon just realized your a hidden account. Sorry i dont argue with people who are too ashamed to put themselves out there publicly. Best of luck to you

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Again, I’ll try real slow here…see if you can keep up with me…

This is the question you asked. That was the question that was answered. Playing obtuse or even being obtuse doesn’t change the fact that you have an answer to your question. If you want to dispute the claim about what the majority wants, well, that’s a separate point. But we are the minority. Pretending otherwise is stupid.


That’s fine, not gonna stop me from pointing out garbage arguments :slight_smile:

Well my response to that question would be “How do you know this is what they want? and Why are the ones who are vocal about their issues on the forums being disregarded?”

How can it be justified to cater to those who don’t voice their opinions, and ignore those who do? How do you cater to those who don’t give feedback? That is a pretty bad ideology to follow. If anything, you want to listen to those who are giving feedback, and figuring out a balance between them, and the casual masses.


I think a hardcore server would be great.

I would definately play it. We could make it extremely difficult. No ground or air mounts. Pulling 2 mobs would be suicide. I would even make the NPC set the player’s corpse on fire and dance around it.

Theyve discussed “pristine servers” but i dont think anything more came of it. Would be nice though

In the mean time they should just continue to make content for all parties

That’s a different point than the one I’m making. We can speculate, but my guess is that the vocal minority on the forum wants things that are at odds with what the typical player wants and implementing such things would have a net negative impact on the game as a whole for the average player. Unfortunately we don’t get answers to questions such as these and I doubt Blizzard is going to come out and say it if they feel people would be offended by being told as such. We’ve had previous mmo’s where they have, however, made the point that the raiders/pvp’ers are very vocal on forums and their ideas aren’t representative of the whole even though they try to pretend they are.

Here’s what the Community Manager of LotRO told people about populations back in 2014 as an explanation about why they don’t listen to feedback from the forums:

Raiders comprise the smallest, by far, group in our game. PvMP players are far larger and even they are small. in fact together the two groups wouldn’t comprise 10% of the total player base and never have (this is important. it’s not a new thing, it’s a long standing historical fact).

Forum posters comprise a slightly larger group than the combined group of PvMP and Raiders. However, Raiders and PvMP players make up the overwhelming majority of forum posters (More than half. Though raiders are the smaller group of the two (PvMP/Raiders)). So you have a tiny group, inside a small group that is grossly disproportionately represented on the forums.

That’s a bit disingenuous. You don’t know that they aren’t collecting feedback from the average player. And it’s pretty easy to collect data to track what activities people are engaging in to see what drives play time and develop based on that. Again, speculation is all we have here as we can’t do anything other than take what the developers say at face value and interject opinions about motivations, but they’ve been on a tangent the past few years about ensuring that they aren’t incentivizing people to do content that they don’t find as fun. They’ve gone out of their way to reduce the amount of content that people feel obligated to do because of the rewards and not because they find the activity engaging (i.e. content if the rewards were reduced/removed they wouldn’t do).

I will say, I wouldn’t be shocked to find out the representation was similar here as that of the forums of the LotRO community. And then we have the Wildstar community, which was very heavily slanted as hardcore pve crowd that ultimately tanked the game because they refused to listen to other feedback. I think it’s pretty obvious why they wouldn’t cater the game to the people who populate the forums giving feedback nonstop.

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You know, back in BC, I only raided Kara once… near the end of the expansion. However the pride I had when i finally managed to complete that raid was immense… there was no LFR, no group finder for this. I spent days getting reputation for starter gear for Naxx and doing content that was difficult. Back then heroic dungeons were a grind to even get into, let alone complete.

Then come wrath I joined an actual raiding guild, and my first ever raid… boy was I thrown in the deep end. It was 3 drake Sarth 25 man progression. I was raiding ever since. The pride of accomplishment of getting into one of the raiding guilds on my server, being accepted, and then downing hard bosses. I was doing this hardcore 5 night a week until this guild went more casual at the end of warlords. We still down mythic raid bosses, but it’s becoming harder and harder to get new players into endgame raiding… because frankly most newer players don’t see the point in putting all that effort in, to get the same rewards they can get doing LFR or world quess.


well said.

How do you feel about raider io?

Funny thing is this is how the game is going to work in 8.2 feels good man :slight_smile:

No,it isn’t or have you been hiding.There are raid guilds solely on sabotaging raids ,especially pug to sell runs. I have ran into several leading raids.So 100 percent is a completely demeaning.

It’ll be funny when the game is dead because everybody has templates, playing the same homogenized class and has no sense of character progression too :joy:


What dont players have access to? What is completely forbidden to players?

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Doomsayers are funny.

It’s almost as amusing as people who hide their profiles :upside_down_face: