Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

We still get awesome gear from raiding.

Back in Vanilla, we had to get gear BEFORE we could raid. It was a quest (pun intended) for mats and dungeon clears to get the items we needed. We called them “the blue dungeons” and “Tier 0.5” gear. You had to assemble gear in order to raid.

That’s how I came up, and so I love that I have many options for farming up enough gear to get into the raid. The gear I get from the raids is different than (and often superior to) the gear available outside of the raid.

There is nothing to be upset over. At all. I really do try to understand people, but I don’t get this angst over ilvl gear drops. I just don’t.

You get the gear SO THAT you can raid (or M+ at higher levels). It’s a tool (the gear) for the end (defeating the raid).

For killing the raid bosses, you get unique stuff and raid-specific appearances.

If you want to complain about BfA’s loot system, let’s complain about the loss of Tier gear for classes. This lazy role/armor class gear appearance stuff is on my last nerve. Where is my shaman gear tier? Meriweather needs some shamanic goodness, but I have to wear the same garbage as the hunters, and it’s really uninspiring. Not to mention the fact that asking hunters to wear mail dresses is kinda lame.


That’s not a reason for WQs to have high ilvl. 450 ilvl would completely invalidate gear from raids. People can do both WQs and raids at the same time. In order for wqs to not invalidate gear from raiding people would have to purposely gimp their character.

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Do you have any idea how hard or how long it’s going to take to get a piece to 430? You do know that 430 is heroic gear level and Blizzard has been giving way to get heroic gear level outside of raids and rated pvp already.

So why are you upset if some random player has full 430 without going into a raid by the end of 8.2?

Trust me, heroic raiders will have more optimal gear and still probably higher ilvl due to WF/TF.

Unless you count Normal Raids as not mindless play… lol.


And this is exactly why raiderio was born (i love raiderio).


We’re still in the PTR process here.

Sure it looks like people will be able to get to 430 (Heroic Palace it seems) without setting foot there but we don’t know how easy that will be.

Either raid Heroic or grind seems to be the lay of the land.

Yeah because an mmo is all about competing with and comparing yourself against yourself.


Because I pay them 15 bucks a month, while I don’t do raids.


I actually think it’s a perfectly reasonable question to ask the people that design the game.


I must admit, I simply must not be explaining myself in a way that you can understand, love. I will try one last time, I admit again that this topic seems to be going around in circles and is starting to bore me.

You engage in content because it is that content that you enjoy doing. Any rewards, such as higher ilvl gear, are merely an outcome of doing that content. If the only thing you desire is higher ilvl gear and it can be obtained elsewhere, than do so. Nobody but yourself will judge or compare you over it.


Did he actually say this?

I can’t even… Who cares if players make mistakes? We need to be off the rails to have fun in an MMO.


TF/WF should be removed, you’re correct nobody is saying they’re hard but if that’s the case, why do they believe feasible content like that should reward the same as content 100x the difficulty?

He did indeed say this when asked about PvP vendors.

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You forget about the players who have zero plans to do Mythic+ or go beyong lfr this is for those players.

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No, it’s about joining OTHER PEOPLE to compete against the content.

If all you want is to preen in gear that was hard to get, go do Cutting Edge and wear that gear in front of the Seal. No one who hasn’t defeated mythic gets those appearances.

And if you have 410+ gear, people see it. I have random people who have apparently inspected me send me tells to the effect of “D–nice gear!” on a semi-regular basis. When I pug M+ and people look at what I’m packin,’ I get comments.

So I’m not sure what part of the adulation for being good at the game is being denied you by allowing other people to easily assemble enough gear to go try their hand at raiding if they want to.

Because that’s why they’ve done this. They’ve made the gear widely available so that more people (MMO) will join us in defeating the raid tier (RPG).


Those players don’t need heroic raid ilvl loot.


Ok and that’s fine, nobody is forcing them to do that content, but they shouldn’t be rewarded by instead doing easier methods.


Here’s a summary of this thread:

On side A (including OP): A few stragglers of the original playerbase desperately trying to tell Blizzard how they ruined their game.

On side B: The remaining 5% of the playerbase who still plays because Blizzard has catered to all of their whining over the years and calls to make the game easier in every possible way. Players who detest and call players ‘narcissistic’ just because they want the game to be harder and more rewarding. These are the toxic people who ruined the game, and are now vehemently defending their precious new easy-mode WoW.

I’m surprised there’s even more than a handful of people like OP left in the forums. I fully expected him to be drowned out entirely by the “omg what the guy next to you has doesn’t affect you” crowd.

Maybe one day they’ll realize that isn’t the point.


This exact paragraph could equally apply to WQ reward levels.

Do WQ because you like them, not because they give 430 gear.


Amen brother, amen.


Looks like blizzard disagrees with you here.


Giving this gear out wily nilly hurts the recruitment scene. A lot. People have and always will raid for the gear. Some don’t, but a huge chunk do. That’s why recruitment for raiding guilds NEVER stops.

When you take the gear incentive away, you take away raiding incentive, and that takes away a huge recruitment pool.