Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

I think it’s amusing you resort to belittling when you can’t debate what I’m saying. How is a current content raid “old content”? Explain that to me, because it’s been out for x amount of months? It’s still the raid of the patch, therefore it’s still current content and not “old”.

There was a daily lock out for heroic. With that being said, Badges of justice, you could buy 6 maybe 8 out of 16(that you use on your characters from the vendor.

Same thing you had to 6 or 8 pieces of gear from vendors rest came from raiding Normal or heroic.

Yes a few pieces of gear i think 2 maybe 3 for gold and Before that you needed to get the rep from the raid. Correct?

Same thing here 6 or 8?

I hated that day that I just farmed for months to get gear and then everyone was able to buy half of my gear set with tokens/badges.

It’s painful for me to imagine someone who raids for gear and not for the fun of it.

I don’t even remember when that was, which expac or w/e.

Ok you can’t answer that question why. I can give plenty of reason why dont need need heroic loot for world quest. And you cant so that just showed entitlement to gear because they log in.

It’s really fun wiping 200-500 times on a boss, after beating the last boss it’s anticlimactic and it goes for any guild I’ve been in.

I think it’s a lot more common than you think, again you can’t answer me as far as BoD being “old content”.

I mean if were to do content “for the fun” then why not apply that to WQs. See how popular they become when they reward nothing but “fun”

Lets not pretend that getting gear isnt part of the fun


The loot that nonraiders have easy access to is only slightly worse than mythic raid gear. It’s in every way equal to heroic raids. It’s better than normal “raids.” It requires nothing more complicated than escorting a turtle to water, and some easy low-level dungeon keys. And a full kit of the stuff can be obtained in a single reset.

It’s utter nonsense.

I answered it, and the answer is it’s irrelevant. It’s blizzard saying “Hey you, yeah you with the low ilvl and a small amount of time to play. Here’s some gear, now go get your seasonal achievements.”

I’m not going to warrant you a response. I’d suggest thinking about something beyond dictionary definitions.


So…your progression should continue…even though your desire to do harder content does not? How does that make any sense?

You don’t need it. And I said it wasn’t about a need. Let me try to be more clear. It is about character power progression. It has become increasingly apparent that most of you raid for gear. Using that as an example, why would I keep doing the content if I found my power progression at a sudden halt? I probably wouldn’t. Previously, I would hit the wall of dungeons–>raids and suddenly find that the content I enjoyed was over and done. My time with wow was over. This is no longer the case, and I cannot ever see that as a bad thing.

WQ loot has completely rendered normal raids unnecessary. They should just remove it tbh


Hmm ok :joy::joy::joy::joy:

“I’m not going to give you a response even though I just did”


It’s far quicker to gear through normal raids than to spend a month or two hoping for WQ rng to favor you. Quit being hysterical.

Ok its not here is some gear like LFR raid level gear. We are talking about heroic ilvl loot. Why does someone who only does WQ need heroic ilvl loot. You keep beating around that point of that question.

I disagree. You can go through raids without upgrades. They take far more time and coordination that 15m auto attacking something

It’s not about the speed at which the gear is acquired, it’s about it being available from doing effortless content and skipping tiers of difficult content. Learn to read.