Stop The Classic Boost

I’m standing in my zone watching tons of people. My classic server has maybe 10 in SW.

Not that it means anything but you seemed curious

Retails issues are a mile wide and boosts aren’t a single one of them. The pop decline started in cata. That was only 2 full expansions before boosts were even introduced so nobody can be taken seriously if they think boosts have anything to do with retails issues. Just wrong on every level if you think that

It has deep core mechanic issues. But I can’t point to any of them and say “removing boosts makes that core system better”

You know what we saw in WoD? A huge drop in population extremely after the initial spike of people coming back. When you have a level boost, you can just skip the leveling and guess what? The WoD content will become stale faster because you didnt have to earn your way to it. Paid boosts ruin the game.

If we took your laughable argument seriously, then what is even the point of making players level from 58-70? Afterall, leveling is SO unimportant and minor. Why even have many of the systems? Earning things is lame, wouldn’t it be easier to not earn them and just pay to get everything? Afterall, earning things is minor and most of your time is spent having things. Like mounts? Why should we earn those, lets just put some in the cash shop? Pets? pffff, cash shop!

Have fun with your future cash shop.

Cata pop drop was well before WoD. What was the reason for the Cata drop if boosts are the big bad?

Cata boosts cause that pop drop?

Oh wait they were 4 years away

Show me where I claimed cata didn’t have a drop. I explained the massive spike and drop in WoD. You just couldn’t comprehend or address my argument so you are pathetically pivoting to something else.

Which had zero to do with the boost. You played WoD right?

It did have something to do with the boost and I explained why. It wasn’t the only problem, but it was very obviously a problem. Any part of your game sucking isn’t a good thing.

So you didn’t play it? Ok good let’s go over why WoD failed together! I know because I was there!

-it had no content outside of raiding. We were coming off MoP when there were complaints of too many dailies. WoD took it the wrong direction and made zero
-reps werent valuable nor were professions. Took away a lot of the out of raid content
-their poor excuse for player housing was really shallow and unrewarding. Also encouraged sitting in it vs being in the world
-one entire patch was a selfie cam
-the last one was removed
-they tried Mythic dungeons but they didn’t give very good gear and you could only do them once a week so they were short lived

All those issues. None of them were boosts

One of the issues was the boosts.

So cata entirely crushed the leveling experience. In their attempt to fix it over the next few expansions they kept editing random quests and zones to the point where leveling was a confusing mess that was hard to follow and impossible to understand. So instead of finally fixing this with a rollback, they introduced the boosts. So you ended up skipping a bad game they ruined to play the even worse WoD expansion. Instead of learning their lesson, they kept making old content worse and just hoped people wouldn’t notice by continuing to add boosts.

Ignoring this is insane, and I have to assume you never leveled a fresh character after the boosts came out because you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

Put yourself in the shoes of a new player. If the leveling zones are empty and suck, then are you going to throw even more money at your already 15 dollar subscription to see if the end game is good? No. The game can’t obtain new players with boosts in place, especially combined with the horrible leveling zones that was cata.

Actually none of them were boosts. Removing boosting solves none of those issues

Leveling hasn’t been a big deal since Wrath. Really leveling. In Wrath was easier than Cata.

Good news. They won’t be empty. Others will be leveling alongside the shamans and Paladins that have to level

So no worries there

Removing the boosts solves the issue of the boosts emptying zones. And they will be emptied. Enjoy your pay to win game, I hope it feels real earned when you open your wallet.

I’ll be leveling a shaman! Excited to play with all the players in the zone!

Enjoy your boost!

When you reach your first dungeon and there are no other people leveling other classes around to run it with, I hope you remember this when you have to pay a mage to level you.

As I’m running through deadmines with my group I will think of you

Excited to do it.

Also mage boosts aren’t really a thing in TBC. With the AoE changes.

It’s Paladins now. Just so you know

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Paladins running people doesn’t bring me much comfort, I would rather people selling boosts be banned from the game but that’s another topic.

Anyway, I hope I am wrong and you can find a full group of legit people. Enjoy your space goat.

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I will thank you! Hope TBC is fantastic for you as well!


Facts don’t care about your opinions

Okay Mr. Shaprio


Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence? Yes

Yeah, that’s kind of a sticking point for me as well. Not that it really matters to me since I won’t be playing TBC. Well, other than that I firmly believe that once blizz gets their toe in the door it will soon be part of Classic as well, not to mention all the other bs people are clamoring for.

The whole “it’s for new players” is specious. It’s simply about having found a way to get more money out of Classic, in my opinion. In fact I’d wager that real “new” players would not be all that interested in a boost for the most part. Very few I’d say.

Yep. It’s a strawman argument.

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