Stop The Classic Boost

Based on your opinion of failure? Remind me again what a huge success you are in real life hahaha.

That Blizzard is as much of a myth as the one about how pirate server players are responsible for Classic.


Nah the boosts are great. Y’all need to quit malding and over exaggerating, it’s not a good look.


Dont use the boost then.

Based on every server it’s been tried on still being dead you twit

It seems people will never understand that classic is leveling experience and retail is mount farming. You cant never compare these two completely different games.

The boost for TBC classic is nonsense and will kill the experience. If you are too lazy to even level to 58, even knowing that the xp required to level up in tbc is far less than classic, imagine that same people being told that they need to spam hellfire ramparts for 10 hours just to be able to run the heroic version of it for another 20 hours.

Thank you, level 60 Shadowlands player. I will go ahead and delete my level 60 character I’ve thoroughly enjoyed to repeat the leveling experience I disliked in 2005 and still dislike in 2021. I will force myself to properly enjoy the true Classic experience as you have decreed.


If this is your best argument then here’s my 60 warrior. I mean i can see why you hate the leveling experience since you just stand and hit as a pally.

I leveled a Warrior in 2005 and hated it then too. I’ve always played MMORPG’s for the end game experience and I’m not even close to the only one.


yeah I got my nostalgia feel from leveling only one to 60. I retraced my steps and enjoyed it. but I dont think I’ll do it again even though I am one that thinks questing is comfy.

You think lvling matters in classic? lol

People love it sooooooo much they would rather spend gold to get boosted than actually lvl the normal way.

/end sarcasm

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No it’s not. The entire reason I abanoned retail in the first place was because they destroyed the leveling experience. It’s an extremely important part of the game. When I see someone at max level with a lot of gear, I know they earned every single level and piece of gear. This completely destroys that magic, empties out early leveling zones, and completely destroys a massive part of the game for people like me who care about the health of the game in it’s entirety. It’s a complete violation of the original contract of WoW’s core design, and it’s insane that the classic community would support it.

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It is though

And come TBC that 1-58 is even smaller.


Just ignore my entire argument then.

Edit: You realize you’re mentality is exactly why retail sucks now right?

You are trying to argue with emotion and I’m trying to argue with math

It has meaning to you. That’s great, nothing wrong with that. But you are wrong. It doesn’t empty the world since there are people who will still level and many that still have to level

Ahh look at the salt flow. Sitting here in full T3 on my classic char and you bring up retail

Has nothing to do with anything but please. Keep that salty attitude flowing

I’m not arguing math. It has nothing to do with the time it takes, I am arguing the “Minor Part of the Game” section (which is why I highlighted that part, genius.) It’s not something that can be written off, its a core part of the game design. You have to earn your levels, its part of the entire point of classic mmos. That is a MAJOR part of the game regardless of the time it takes. I am glad you are enjoying salt and rage, I hope you also enjoy your retail lite while years from now while blizzard cucks you out of more of your money you go “WUT HAPPEN!?” Keep being a total tool and opening your wallet for the major corporation, it makes you look SOOOOO smart.

You keep saying that even though it is a minor % in time played that it’s not a minor thing

And I disagree. I think me spending 96% of my time at max level shows what a overwhelming minor part of the game that is. I can’t really debate your “feelings” I can only debate facts. And the fact is that with the upcoming exp nerfs that 1-58 March would be even more minor

As for earning it. I think in their minds they will have earned it plenty as they level through TBC and accomplish all the grinds involved in TBC. They don’t have to prove anything to you or me. If they jump to 58 and have fun that is all that matters. I went from 1-60 back when it launched. Struggled through the hell of playing on a tiny server with no groups. Then being 58 in no way bothers or invalidates me. I want them there

If you have such an issue with someone skipping 1-58 and you don’t want to support it anymore. You know what to do. I’ll be in TBC with or without you.

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Because its a major part of the game design, not in % time. If you truly like a game, you shouldn’t want any percent of the game at all to be made irrelevant or pay to win, or we might as well not even have levels. Blizzard already has a game where that percentage of the game sucks, it’s called retail. Go play that.

Also, if you really don’t think it will empty out leveling zones, I have to question if you have been paying attention at all to retail’s evolution. Have you been to Stormwind on retail recently? Ghost town. It got that way for a reason.

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It’s a minor % in overall gameplay which to me makes it a minor % of the game. Again I cannot argue “muh feelers”. The world itself is massive, and even at 60 I explore much of it. While leveling was probably the least amount of time I spent exploring. I was more concerned with getting leveled. It was at max with professions and WPvP that I really started getting into the world. So again just feel that leveling part was a small % I had to overcome to get to the meat of the content

I play A52. Freaking packed server. So idk what you are even talking about.

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I see far more people in stormwind in a high pop vanilla server than I do a high pop retail server. I see maybe three people in stormwind in a retail server and about 50 just in the town square in vanilla.

Also, I am not arguing “Muh Feelers.” I am arguing game design, which an an objective science. If the game sucks to play because the opening sucks, then people drop it. Retail’s leveling experience sucks, and it makes the game extremely hard to get into or take seriously. The only reason you keep ignoring this argument is because you know that you are objectively wrong about it.

Level boosts were the first step to the evolution of retail, just admit you want to play retail.