Stop The Classic Boost

With a keyboard and mouse

was someone paying you to do this or free will?

Again you are in space making no points reaching further and further.

I’ll leave you and your incoherent thoughts alone

wait so you’re telling me you did boost?

Sure didnt

ah account buyer then

Is this you AHA moment? Man this was a let down. I thought you had a direction to this.

How sad

<—The Point----
Your Head

account buying is against ToS

Ok. That’s good to hear

I’m glad we can agree that you’re violating ToS

Enjoy the boosts!


Lol now you’re just trying too hard to make up random crap, so sad.

Don’t like the boost go play a different game

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I never said I had an issue with the boost. Just your terrible analogy.

There are plenty of valid reasons to advocate the boost without posting nonsense arguments.

Sounds like a personal problem, if my six year old nephew can see the similarities then it sucks to be you.

You’re probably trolling, but pray tell: explain the similarities between paid services in an online game and public health policy.

OK here is the thing the only thing I will give mad season I watched the entire video OK and I understand why hes doing it the way he is and why he waited so long.

Do I agree with his points with the world and what not yes and no I don’t think the old world is as big of a part as the burning crusade as he makes it out to be.

However what I will 100% agree with hes right this is a band-aid on a bigger problem because put quite simply even with the experience nerf lovely in the old world still sucks.

Like why don’t work on that a little bit here’s a thought why not make some extra quest to give a little bit more direction and where to go not just OK I’m done with where the map kind of tells me a go and then I micom I have no idea where to go type of feeling.

Some players like that whole feeling in the you know what fine I understand that instead of a paid boost and I keep saying this why not introduce BOA gear.

I don’t agree with the argument that every single player that’s going to use the boost is a bag player though I think that’s a stupid there are plenty of people that played originally that just don’t like classic.

Anyway not to write a book here I still say BOA gear would be a better answer than an individual boost why it benefits more than one player so here’s a thought what if all the individual levelers instead of just 1 character could level to gather a lot faster on top of that.

Blizzard had put in the tokens to upgrade the boe gear to 7D at some point Hey gold sank.

As far as the whole give up man tality I think a lot of people think that way just because well the only answer that 3rd is to this is an answer that blizzard isn’t willing to do and that quite simply make the classic team bigger.

Unless that Happens botting is not going anywhere it’s going to get worse with or without the boost I think it’s a little silly to say in my mind at least that boost is 60 bucks I mean let’s not fool ourselves here that’s what it’s going to be.

That’s my take on it

Of all the ways you could explain it, you went and used logic and facts. lol, joking aside this is the best explanation.

He has, if I read it correctly, a level 58 toon with training, a mount and riding skill as well as at level dungeon gear. Unless they have released specifics that I have not seen, which is possible, then we do not know if this toon starts with any gold or not nor do we know the cost unless that has been released recently and literally nobody felt like throwing the number around. As I said before, though I like Madseason, he is over exaggerating the impact and trying to act as though there was any chance whatsoever that Blizzard would not have opened cash shop purchases in the Classic games.

Just as long as the “fresh” servers get boosts AND transfers.